Dead Rising 2 but now you get to play as Dan Akroyd

I mean Frank West

A bit laggy compared to the smooth framerate of the first Dead Rising, but co-op makes up for it

I give too many 5 star reviews so I'm giving this half a star to even things out, but also giving it half a star because I do not like it. I played it for about an hour and it was not enjoyable. And before you try to tell me "oh it gets good a few hours in" save it, because if any part of a game isn't good, then the WHOLE GAME is HOT GARBAGE, do I make myself clear?

Now, let's get into the review. Setting sucks, characters are stupid looking and boring and I hate them. And I hate this game, game sucks. If you like this game, you're wrong for doing so. That's just the truth.

Don't agree? Come kill me.

if you like this game, you smell

If you get into enough violent wipeouts, the game rewards you with an option to teleport on top of a tall building specifically to fall off of.

Seems like everybody was disappointed by this game after playing the first one. Personally, I played Tooie first, and even after playing both games, I think Tooie is way better. Both are great tho. This game has so much charm

One of my favorite Nintendo games ever. I have so many good memories from playing this with my family. Also it has an untouchable soundtrack.

Since I played this game on 4 different platforms and they are all completely different games, I will be fair and review them all individually:

PC - Super good, builds on Sims 1 in every way and has a charm all its own. Wicked good soundtrack and I freakin love everything about Strangetown. 5 stars.

DS - Probably the weakest of all the Sims 2's in terms of dialogue, but it's still very unique, has a great soundtrack, and tons of great funny-bad aspects. 5 stars.

GBA - A continuation of the style of the Sims Bustin Out and Urbz games on GBA, but this time it has the characters and music from the DS version. It also has all the funny dialogue that should be in the DS version as well. 5 stars.

PSP - This game is like the GBA version but with the graphical style of the PC version. The dialogue in this is some of the funniest and most clever in any game ever of all time. It is so insanely funny and I wish nothing but good fortune on the devs of this masterpiece. But unfortunately it lags a lot :\. 5 stars.


Weird how they list the handheld and console version as the same game when they couldn't be more different from each other. Anyways, the GBA version is insanely good. Good ass 2.5D graphics, good ass soundtrack, and funny ass dialogue.

This game came out when every game was as brown and gritty as possible. But now that we're past that era, GTA4 really stands out and I love the atmosphere they were going for. Gross, smoggy Liberty City is the backdrop for a darker story with more grounded shooting and driving. I can see how some people dislike it, but I am personally a massive fan. That being said, I love the goofiness of all the other GTAs and I'm fine with all of them being silly, but 4 was a nice change of pace that stands out just as much as Vice City for different reasons.

This game is great but I don't like it as much as the first. I prefer unlocking and choosing different masks rather than switching characters for every level. Also, the more wide open levels like the Vietnam levels are just unenjoyable. But it's still Hotline Miami :)

I love this game in the same way that I love Tetris. It's a fun arcadey, simple game that has some layers to it. You can either play it with your brain shut off, or focus and try real hard at it, and it's tons of fun either way.

Morrowind. What the heck can you say about Morrowind? It was among the first 3D RPGs, and it remains among the best. Insanely good story, and the setting is unlike anything else in the fantasy genre. I'd be lying if I said I enjoyed the dice-roll combat, but hey, there's a lot more here to enjoy aside from that. Give it a look-sy. :)

I really really hope the next GTA takes place in 80's Vice City again, but I don't think that'll happen, since Take Two will never again let Rockstar do anything that won't provide maximum profits.

Worst title i've ever read. bad game 0/5