Back when I actually cared about the original characters because there was no create-a-character, which makes it my personal least favorite of all the SC games that I've played, but still a really good and unique fighting game

Pros - Zasalamel is back, and the character creator is just as good as 5.

Cons - It's the same as 5 just with different characters. You'd think since it came out late into the next generation, it would at least have better graphics than the last one (it also looks pretty much the same as 4, which came out EARLY in the previous gen). So yeah it's pretty lame, hopefully they'll make another and really overhaul it next time.

OH YEAH, and they got rid of the Devil Jin style and the hilarious "auto-generate a custom character" option when you select Random?!!!? WHAT THE HELL??????!??!?!?!!!!

However, a recent update finally added back the free keyboard chat for online lobbies, which makes it way more fun.

This game has the best character creator of any game. I used up all the slots making any character I could imagine, and they were all either PRETTY DANG ACCURATE or a hilariously bad anime-y version of them, and either way I loved it. Spent hundreds of hours playing online not caring about the gameplay, just having fun playing my custom characters.

There is a reason game journalists have never ever stopped talking about this game ever at all since 2011. The things it does with the open world and level design really takes you on an adventure, and the gameplay is really fun too. It's all wrapped up with a nice little bow and a cherry on top, mate.

On the surface, I thought it was just gonna be a Last of Us rip-off, and while narratively/atmospherically it kind of is, it also has complex combat that invokes that old PS2 action game feeling. The combat is so complex, actually, that I constantly forgot a ton of the abilities that Kratos could do and always had to remind myself by studying the menus. Annoying but also the character progression is cool and you will rly feel way more powerful by the end.

Another bad thing is, since video games are all terrible now, there are no goofy secret costumes to unlock, so yeah that's just frikken great


It's funny how you play as a guy who doesn't care about the story and is just very mad the whole time.

I have not completed it yet because I got close to the end but took a long break and now I'm scared to go back because I won't remember how to play well.

This was the first Mario Golf game I played and it is great. My favorite part is the multitude of online tournaments with leaderboard rankings and you could earn unique gear for placing higher on the board. Also extremely fun Mario-world type courses and great animations!

I've wanted to get into Yakuza for a while because the world and characters seem really well-done, but I could never get past the combat, I thought it was kinda boring.

Then all of a sudden they come outta nowhere and turn it into a turn-based RPG and holy MACKEREL I'm all in baby god dang this game is so good.

OH so we're talking about ME now, are we?

The best Halo and probably the best FPS i've ever played

The pokemon game with the best world and coolest graphics