The pokemon game with the best music

i REALLY liked the stealth sections, and the boss fights are some of the best i've seen in any game. the cacoon boss made me almost give up, and i love that. i really enjoyed the game. And it has Monster Hunter missions

Can't exactly rate it yet since it's early access and the game isn't optimized that great yet so I can't even really play it without intense lag, but I have some gripes with it on a fundamental level. The campaign and all the RPG stuff is great, however I'm not a fan of the character creator. Creating funny wackadoo characters is probably my favorite part of Warband, but something about it seems off with Bannerlord, like it seems like I can only make slight variations of one person, and the NPC faces all look similar in that way.

good game i love collecting the high quality playstation peripherals and the Monster Hunter PSP reference was so sweet

This game is super fun and involves lying and trolling which I love to do, and it's awesome how an indie game with a silly artstyle can get so big. Hopefully it shows the soulless corporate fools what people actually want in a game. The bad thing is, gosh dang it there are so many bugs every time there's a new update

This was my first MH game, and yeah other, newer ones in the series are conventionally better, this one gets the nostalgia points. This is the one that I actually played mostly multiplayer, and I have so many good memories playing with my hunting buddies. Nowadays I still cherish MH and have tons of fun playing every single one, but there is something special about your first experience with this fantastic and unique series

3D World is funny because it doesn't exactly have its own identity, and yet its existence is essential. It's just a fun simple co-op version of 3D Land. It's strange because most people feel like they've played something like it before and yet it's really the only Mario game of its kind (I guess at the time, people were expecting the next big 3D Mario game, and this isn't that).

That being said: Mario 3D Land is better than this in almost every aspect. 3D World has a ton of fun stuff to offer, but it is WAY too easy.

Perfectly executes what it set out to do. When I was a kid, I was so excited to have a Mario Galaxy-type Mario game on handheld, but 3D Land is better if you go into it not expecting Galaxy. It's just an amazing linear 3D Mario game with super charming music and world design.

Rise is everything great about World with none of the stuff that wasn't great about World. It is the perfect mix of MHGU and World, plus so much AMAZING new stuff. The new mobility options and verticality of the maps work so well. Only problem is it's a little lacking in stuff compared to all the other MH games, and I wish there was more of the old actual hunting and tracking aspects instead of strictly anime monster fighting

I really really love the graphics, dialogue, voice acting, and atmosphere of this game. I just wish the puzzles weren't IMPOSSIBLE. I would spend hours trying to get past one part and then I'd give up and look at a walkthrough and think "What? Why would anyone think to try that?"

This is one of those game worlds that is just fun to exist in. The puzzles are challenging, but as long as you just have fun browsing everything you'll figure it all out. One of my favorite games ever

The environment design in this game is so good that it actually feels like a real WORLD. The feeling I get from being in one continent is such a completely different feeling than I get from any other continent. It's so cool and something I've never felt in another MMO or any game.

Pretty good game but I cannot stand the motion controls. Playing on Switch is a little better but it's still so annoying to have that star floating around the screen

One of the best games on PS2 and that's sayin something