konami saw they could have 108 characters with the power of the playstation and were like "sign me the fuck up"

i suddenly have this intense fear of large sea creatures?


safe mode. god this game rules

dr habit can kind of get it tho

sega please acknowledge skies of arcadia i never asked before

nothing more could possibly be said about this game

that one timing puzzle blows chunks but the rest of this is basically a perfect game

game of all time. love that this one made gamers realize that nearly every thing they considered to be foundational to games is unnecessary

i don't get the hype for this one? it feels like a game where the developer liked undertale but didnt understand why they liked it. if that makes sense. its a story that has no meaning or themes to it

base game only. im glad this got me into monster hunter. i love to jump off of cliffs on accident because of insect glaive crimes

diversity win! this game is homophobic

one of the most emotionally devastating endings ive ever experienced tbh. this is like a game of all time for me. cannot wait for what this guy does next