December, 2021


I like this game a whole lot. The fantasy of running a potion shop is very appealing to me for whatever reason, and it's simulated here with detail and through cleverly designed gameplay systems. Plus the art is obviously superb.

However, I don't want to play it seriously until after it leaves Early Access. I have only dabbled in it for these two days because it featured a holiday event. It's been a very nice sampling of what awaits me, but I'll be moving it to my backlog now.



This is a charming little throwback MUD! And it's surprisingly lengthy; I had expected something more miniature.

I'm still fairly early with a character at level 10 just after reaching Bigtown, collecting new quests, and starting to figure out my next steps.

Population is sadly very low. I chose to play today because Sokpop suggested a communal return to the game so that everyone interested could benefit from a boost in player count at the same time. I caught the tail end of that event and never saw more than 3 players online. However, the multiplayer element seems like it can just be ignored; I'm treating this as a single-player text-based RPG for now and not worrying about whether anyone else is around.

In addition to being a satisfying (albeit grindy) little RPG, Chatventures has some sharp ideas at play. You can act as quickly as you can type, so you'll get attacks off more frequently than enemies if you're fast. After an early quest, you get an ability called Repeat that, for a mana cost, lets you just type "repeat" to--obviously--repeat your last command, which can be simpler and faster than typing out commands in full. When you fight slimes, you'll find your text input field obscured when they attack you, so you have to type blindly without being able to see typos. Also, I wandered into an area that is currently too advanced for me and fought a pair of harpies that seemed to hit me with a confusion effect, and everything I typed just turned into a random string of characters. This willingness to play with text and limit (or enhance!) the player's ability to make input infuses the game with cleverness and whimsy, leaving me intrigued to press on and see what other tricks it has in store.

Right now I'm feeling a 3.5 stars out of 5.


I kind of rewrote some of the above more concisely for Twitter, and I'm going to leave it here in case it comes in handy when I go to write a review:

I started playing Chatventures by
@sokpopco. I'd expected a throwback mini-MUD, but it seems to have more length on it than that. There was a short planned event today, a call for its community to return, but population is still very low. That's okay! It's fun as a solo RPG.

On top of being a satisfying lite RPG, it has some clever ideas going for it. Action occurs in real time, so you can attack as quickly as you can type. You can learn an ability early on that lets you type "repeat" and spend a bit of mana so you don't have to retype full commands.

When you fight slimes, their attacks obscure the text input field (pictured above), leaving you typing blind, unaware of typos until after you hit enter. And I ran into some harpies that inflicted confusion on me, which caused my inputs to result in random character strings.

This willingness to play with text and limit (or enhance!) the player's ability to make inputs infuses the game with whimsy and pushes you to keep playing, curious to discover what other tricks it has in store.

It's a $3 game, by the way, and will probably get a 40% discount in a few days when the Steam sale begins.



1h 18m



Started / Finished







Started / Finished

November, 2021


I just love how many ads I wind up watching despite having purchased the "remove ads" option.



15h 14m


I have now collected every item and defeated Ridley again. (It's still strange that the credits shows your completion time but not your item rate. Isn't that tradition?) I'd like to play Dread this weekend, but first I hope I can pull together a review from all of these impressions.


October, 2021



I just meant to try the game out briefly and get the Halloween event skin unlock, but I was blown away and wound up playing up to halfway through Chapter 3. I was already into the concept of turning Snake into a sort of persistent rhythmic puzzle crawl, but the execution is so good. Puzzles are clever, the continuously evolving music is excellent, and the way you progress through the temple/dungeon is very cool, with loops and new paths contingent upon increases in length and even later chapters passing back through earlier spaces from a different perspective. There's even a story being told here? I had no idea! This is ambitious, and it's solid; what's here so far is playable and strong despite being in Early Access. But I think I like it too much to play any more before it's done! I'll wait for this meal to reach its full length before I chow down.



Just Job Job. It's always going to be Job Job. Seems like Blather 'Round has been replaced for us.


I'm not a fan of most Jackbox party games that put players on the spot to invent funny things and vote for each other's contributions, but I do enjoy Blather 'Round. My friends and I often play that on Friday nights.

September, 2021


I started in on Adventure mode and found it a much gentler way to approach the game. I also remapped my controls so that they made intuitive sense for a game that looks more like a Nintendo platformer than a fighter: B is jump, Y is attack, X is special, and pressing up on the stick no longer jumps. I'm still looking for a character to love, but I'm at least enjoying myself now.


Not actually my first time playing, but the game is on a friend's account (via Steam remote play), so I don't know how many sessions we've had or when. This is just the first time since I joined the site.

I'm not a big fan of this kind of party game that puts you on the spot to be creative and funny, but sometimes I do all right with this one and don't find it too stressful.