Man Golden Sun was a great series I wish they'd made a third one.

I must have borrowed this game like 5 times from the Family Video and it had no QOL and I was obsessed with the unattainable church lady like the useless bisexual I grew up to be but it was my first farming sim love. Bless.

I played this for the first time as an adult and it's still special. The difficulty level is inconsistent throughout the game, which is the main thing that makes it challenging to a modern player, but overall still unique and charming.

Intensely challenging but with minimal punishment for failure - a real "nailed it" design for making the absurd platforming difficulty accessible. Picking my way through the B-sides and able to do it at my own pace without ever feeling frustrated.

There were a lot of individual elements that were good but when you put them all together the product made no sense. Enjoyable at parts but upon reflection not that great?

Leviathan is my kilometer long WIFE

I sat down to come up with the "best Zelda game" and although I could come up with arguments for many this is definitely the most influential one.

Also I suck at ZOOTR and it still slaps.

Best FARM out of any farming sim!

I literally do not care about any of the characters just let me build a pretty farm.

Pet that Eevee.

Challenge level zero, happiness level high, actually enjoyed hunting for Pokemon. Don't feel the need to REplay but happy I played.

The enviroments and design are a huge flex, it plays on some of my FAVORITE dumb JRPG tropes, and I love a game where you can go after superbosses without spending 3712 hours doing gear prep. The combat feels GREAT once you get it.

Tighter art direction on the non-main-story Blades and non-gacha ways to get them. That soured the game significantly.

The audio mix was a huge highlight - I did not regret breaking out the big cushy headphones for this one and suggest doing the same!

The story was enjoyable but some of the gameplay elements took away from it. A lot of the puzzle elements felt vestigial - like it would have been better left as a visual novel.

Amazing worldbuilding, design, environments, exploration. You can see Breath of the Wild's DNA running all through the world design. The soundtrack is a BANGER.

Bring a tolerance of a flubbed main story dismount and a magnifying glass for the UI :)


Seriously though it gave me 4 hours of complete unexpected joy. Different and delightful.

Enjoyable game with lots of nice QOL improvements.

The right game for right now.