85 Reviews liked by jeeble

I watched the 2016 election in a Gmod Theater server and people threw popcorn at the screen any time Hillary Clinton was onscreen

Bold of Sony to release a Wii game as their introductory PS5 title, thus making a strong case for collectathon mascot platformers with questionable minigames as superior to cinematic action-adventures and open-world checklists on day 1, but I respect it

Imagine creating the best game in the series because you don't want to be remember as the director of the worst game in the same series

Video games as a whole would be a little worse today if this hadn't come out.

maybe the only game that's ever lived up to the hype. a triumphant return to the series that sees action games as a metaphor for exploring the vacuum left by loved ones and guardians. heart wrenchingly sincere, confident beyond measure

projared gave it a 4 out of 10 but he cheated on his wife

Very good Sonic-inspired music album. Apparently you get an extra game with it too but I haven't checked it out yet.

This game makes fun of Fox News so yeah it's good

"All My Best Friends Are Metalheads" by Less Than Jake

This game has the song "All My Best Friends are Metalheads" by Less Than Jake, and because of that I have been in 2 different ska punk bands. Whoops!

best in the series by a mile. really accessible, indescribably fun game that anyone can pick up and play in seconds

i actually think this might be the greatest game of all time