85 Reviews liked by jeeble

There is no comfortable way to play this game. Your only options are:

1) Get an OG Xbox, whose hardware are ticking time bombs and looks like shit on modern TVs
2) Play it on 360, which has poor backwards compatibility and is full of framedrops
3) Upgrade your PC (during a component shortage) so it can handle Xbox emulation, which is still in its relative infancy so hiccups are expected

Fuck you Sega, why did you lose the source code to all your best games, I hate you so fucking much

I get gaslighted enough at home but this game is still fun.

"All you had to do, was follow the damn train, CJ!"

Well all YOU had to do, was leave the fucking originals on Steam, Rockstar you stupid fucks.

I think this game made me want to be a skater but my parents said no. So now I'm just a fucking poser that dresses like he hasn't left the early 2000s.

Fuck Activision.

They should've hid this game while they tried to repair this game

the combination of the aggressive sugary sweet vibes in this game and the inexplicable full english dub and subtitle options, which include some guy doing a cartman impression, honest to god made me feel like i was playing some fake game invented for the creepypasta im the victim in or something. not to be "childhood fucked up" reddit over a cute children's game w some p cool style on its own terms but i dont know how else to emphasize how bizarre it is that this came to be, and there is hardly any info on how it happened. just popped out of the aether to be actually scarily ahead of its time???

it is essentially a time-killer, you just do it not because it's particularly fun or entertaining but because the asmr feeling you get everytime you collect gems is enough of a dopamine boost to keep you going. the visuals are pretty cute, even though i fucking hate spyro and want him dead... umm some of the platforming was pretty fun too but who the hell greenlit that one stage where you have to charge forward on all those platforms and do those weird twists and turns? you know the one. everyone knows the one. it's not particularly difficult. there's not much of an incentive to 100% the game. i just did it because i hate myself ... umm 6/10 ? maybe ? it's ok

this game, for lack of a better phrase, means the fucking world to me. it is wrapped in such love and care, from the aesthetics to its music. some of the best character designs too. also the CD mechanic for it was hella revolutionary too. like i don't know what the creators of parappa were smoking, but they need to go back and make another sequel because there's no game i can think of that is so full of energy. listen to sunny day and your depression WILL be cured. amazing game idgaf

yeah, mr gas mask guy, maybe i do like castlevania. whats it to ya.

This game introduced me to the joys of shooting and ATV off of a cliff while Them Bones by Alice In Chains is playing at full volume. Not much more I need to say.

there was a big fish that ate you when you would swim out to far and that is what started my crippling anxiety

THE best Jak and Daxter game, no question. It practically switched genres and HUGELY switched tone after this to match the era it was released in. Where's the REAL Jak 2, ND?

daxter is the kind of guy to get cancelled in 2020 for a tweet he made in 2011

I don't trust people who won't put Eric in their best villains lists.

ill tell you what it is (what is it god dang it)

its some kind of texas psychobilly freakout thats what it is