The first ever video game to make people nicer

Bounced off this game when I first tried it about three years ago. After giving it a second chance I really enjoyed it. But I want to rant about this series' awful fanbase that spoils everything as a joke. I can't imagine how engrossing this story would've been if I didn't know the villain's identity before I even started. I also know important details on 3 and 5's stories without ever having looked for them. If Xenoblade fans can keep that game's final party member a secret for 13+ years there's no way Persona fans have to reply to every tweet going YEAH BUT X IS THE KILLER LMAOOO

Not the game's fault ofc, still enjoyed my time with it.

A return to form is definitely what the series needed back in 2010 but almost a decade and a half later this game is just pretty good.

Not as sour on this game as a lot of others are being, and I think a lot of the issues people are having can/will be addressed in patches. My big issue is that the game seems to want to appeal to a casual audience but is incredibly unintuitive, from the UI to the fighter designs. Why does every move need a paragraph explaining what it is, and why do fighters have multiple passives, inflict multiple unique statuses, and have multiple cooldowns to manage? It feels like they took MOBA characters and put them into a platform fighter without considering how that would actually feel. It's stuck in this awkward middle ground of being too floaty and gimmicky for a serious competitive scene while also being too convoluted with a high skill floor for casual players.

I can not continue a game like this with the promise that it gets really good later. I am current on One Piece, but can't get through A Realm Reborn. All the game has been is walking across the world to talk to a person, so that I can go all the way back to talk to another person. The story hasn't hooked me, the gameplay is monotonous, and it feels like a chore just to get to the part where I can start having fun.

This is my third time trying to get into the game, and I really want to for my friends who've spent so much time engrossed in it. I'm very interested in the social aspects, I like some of the locations I've seen, and I greatly appreciate the generous free trial. Maybe in the fourth try it'll click, but I've given this game way more leeway than basically any other.

Maybe the real nightmare was the game we played along the way

TRAGIC: worlds biggest PaRappa fan plays the game for the first time in 2024.

I have played games with thoughtfully-crafted narratives where I must make difficult decisions. Ones that lead to war, death, and all sorts of terrible things that would haunt someone forever. And in doing those I did not feel even half as bad as I did when I ruined the cute drawing of the happy family with this dog.

Very zen puzzle game that doesn't overstay its welcome. I would love a sequel or level pack of some sort that includes some more complexity.

This review contains spoilers

> See incomprehensible dialogue
> Think the game has some deep commentary and meaning that I'm just too stupid to understand
> Look it up
> Half the text is randomly generated

Touching tale of a father who refuses to hug his daughter

A free, non-serious game where I can goof around with friends is great, and I appreciate how Fortnite seems to have the best and most fair monetization of any f2p game. Wish I gave the game an honest chance sooner.

The ugly-corpo aesthetic is really well done and something I've never seen in a game before. The writing was really good, the characters were all likable, and almost every joke landed.
The gameplay is fun, but gets very repetitive, and I was getting sick of it only half way through. Especially compared to other rougelites, there just wasn't a lot on offer here for the price.
Good game, but get it on sale.

For someone who plays platform fighters competitively, this game has everything I've wanted from the genre. The slime mechanic is very inventive and I think other games will take inspiration from it. The campaign is pretty alright (a miracle for the genre). The characters are all very well designed and everyone feels like themselves.
Right now it's still pretty buggy, and I wouldn't recommend it to casual players at the current price, but I think it's the best competitive platform fighter since Rivals of Aether.

Mfers be like "All Nintendo has to do is release F-Zero with online!" and then they do exactly that and they whine about it on forums.