Fast, fluid, and full of style. It has enough depth for experts while being simple enough and boasting an incredible tutorial system for newer players.
It also features my baby boy Faust.

I really think I just don't enjoy BR as a genre. Especially when the game takes itself incredibly seriously and the only way to have fun is to win. I guess I'm just not competitive enough to enjoy Apex Legends.


The story behind the game existing is cute and funny, and the game itself is nice as a novelty and a joke. I wouldn't want to dedicate any serious time to it though, even with friends.

Solid entry in the series. A few of the games are bangers (Job Job being the clear stand out), rest are okay.

Spectacular game at launch and still holds up eleven years later. I wish it were longer, but I'd rather have a great short game instead of an underwhelming lengthy game.

The controls are solid, the characters are fun, and the core essentials of the game are pretty good. Desperately lacked content at launch (especially considering the price) and updates have only marginally improved the overall package. I think with time it'll be pretty great, but it shouldn't have left the oven until it was baked more thoroughly.

Garfield's pretty sick tho ngl

Extremely replayable sandbox/rpg hybrid. Unimaginable amount of fun content for what is usually a dirt cheap price. One of the best values in the entire industry, and it gets so much better if you have friends to play with (and ones that will actually stick with the world until the end game).

my favorite monkey is the sniper monkey because the sniper monkey has the sniper gun that can go dunh-dunh-dunh or popopop-popopop-popopop or popopopopopopopopop depending on how you upgrade him

Incredibly creative concept executed extremely well in 2001. After over two decades and sequels that refine on the concept, Pikmin's age does show. I'd love a remake that modernizes the game while smoothing out some of the rough edges.

having a hard time deciding if i'm more eeeh-ooh or aaah-ooh tbh

This game goes hard and I'm tired of pretending like it doesn't

The only roguelite that ever really clicked for me. Holy shit, did it click for me.
Mods are pretty sick too.

The purple Pikmin are overpowered and make combat a joke.
The game's high difficulty stems from cheap traps that can insta-kill your entire squad and practically force a restart.
The caves drag on for an eternity and slow the pace to a crawl.
Time freezing and lack of day limit removes the tensity and time management aspects the series is known for.

But holy shit, it's Pikmin 2. This game could commit crimes against humanity and God himself, yet I would still love it. Childhood classic and one of my favorites of all time, even with it's flaws.

I can say with full confidence and not an ounce of hyperbole that this game is perfect. I cannot think of a single way to improve upon it. Unlike it's predecessors (which are good but require a certain mindset), Mother 3 has aged perfectly and would feel perfectly natural as an indie darling in 2022. It's just too bad you can't... you know... legally play it.

The world is beautiful. The fish are funny (and sometimes a little scary). The lore is interesting. The music is enthralling. The word "immersive" is overused to hell and back, but Subnautica always pulls me back into it's world every time I replay it.