Pretty good game. Pretty weak Animal Crossing.

Dreadful. Hard to say if it’s worse than its already terribly predecessor, but it’s baffling how all of the ambitions brought to this game made it a near unplayable mess from a technical aspect.
After a weekend of falling through floors, doors on the critical path not opening, falling to my death due to insane input delay - experiencing all this at sub 30FPS most of the time, I made an ad on marketplace and tried to blitz it to the end to at least say I’d beaten it. Had an entire day before someone came to buy it off me but I’d already given up on trying to finish it.
Maybe it’s patched up now, but the game underneath was just so bloody boring that I honestly couldn’t care less.

Borrowed this off a friend who was looking forward to it prerelease, only to pack it in after a few weeks.
Managed about 2hrs before I wanted to tear my eyes out lmao
All of JK Rowlings abhorrent bullshit aside, this is just bad. It has clearly been designed with attempted checks and balances to ensure it can at least try to skirt around her numerous controversies. But as crazy as it sounds, the developer whose biggest accreditation is the licensed Cars 3 game didn’t manage to make something good!

Insane how far this game has fallen from grace in my eyes. Loved it in 2009 and felt it was a huge leap as a sequel. Revisiting it shows it as an ugly follow up to the really solid original, not only from a design perspective but visually too. Massive drop in visual style somehow, with new half cooked mechanics duct taped on that feel like they only work 25% of the time.

One of the most startling falls from grace for a series that could just make itself at this point.

Definitely the most well realized version of the RPG AC games. Bonkers to me that people feel that this is the weakest one.

One of the few games I played on the PSVR2 that truly feels like it couldn’t exist without it. From ducking under bullets to yanking your friends clip out of their gun, they let you really go as whacky as possible with it. Unfortunately outside of VR exclusive hijinx, the game is incredibly barebones.


Short but sweet.
The game doesn’t feel like it must be in VR, but is elevated because of it.

Unfortunate that the supposed gold star game that was supposed to show what the PSVR2 could really do was just an utter bore.
Nearly full priced, and doesn’t feel nearly exemplary of what the VR can do.
The headset isn’t really worth it to begin with, but if you feel pressed to get one, skip this and get Pavlov and Cosmonious High to show you what VR can be.

Played at release, put it down because it was just extremely run-of-the-mill.
Became one of my end of PS4 gen backlog games that I finally finished.

Perhaps Supermassive’s weakest title to date.

A game that manages to make a conversation between two begrudging allies about their respective fear of death feel like the world is about to end, every morose musing a plea for more time.

Mercifully got to play this from day one on a PlayStation 5. While the PS4 build looked like a muddy mess even at 60FPS, and I didn’t have many play sessions where I didn’t fall through the map at least once, it’s a genuinely great game.
In late 2023, the real version of the game with the new current gen builds feels truly complete.

Jin Sakai is the single worst protagonist in the history of video games.

One of the most insane Platinum requirements (surpassed only by the PS3 original), somewhere around six playthroughs needed.

So much is lost in translation. Everything looks very expensive, but it feels like a pretty huge misreading of the original vision.