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JCLKaytwo commented on whu's review of Super Mario Land
also laughs in GBC, GBA, GameCube, Wii, and 3DS

1 day ago

1 day ago

JCLKaytwo commented on JCLKaytwo's review of Super Mario Bros.: The Lost Levels
@vini64 That's for real. I feel so bad for the children in Japan who were excited for Mario 2 only to be faced with this game

1 day ago

JCLKaytwo completed Super Mario Bros.: The Lost Levels
Played this immediately after Mario 1. This game really does continue with the difficulty curve that Mario 1 left off at, so I wouldn't describe this game as a "Mario 2" or even a "Mario 1.5", it straight up just feels like if Mario 1 continued for 8 more worlds, which is kinda cool in a way.

Anyway, trash. This game is legitimately evil, and not in a fun way. I don't know who at Nintendo thought some of those enemy placements were a good idea. Or whoever designed those fucking maze castle levels that are impossible to beat without rigorous trial and error. And how about the genius who decided to make the falling platforms look identical to the platforms that move from left to right? These feel like shitty Mario Maker levels made by preteens, not levels made by THE Nintendo, immediately after they made Mario 1! And you want me to beat the game 8 times to unlock the special worlds? Lol no thanks.

I do have to give the game props for actually having 32 unique levels (more if you count the extra worlds), unlike Mario 1 which just kinda gave up halfway through and started recycling levels.

2 days ago

JCLKaytwo completed Super Mario Bros.
I just replayed Mario 1 and Lost Levels back to back yesterday and it was kind of an interesting experience actually. Looking at these two games as two halves of a whole certainly adds a bit of appeal to both games.

Anyway, Mario 1. Super important, super iconic, super... meh. It doesn't even need to be stated that it set the groundwork for the Mario franchise, because that goes without saying, but that also means that most Mario games are literally just better versions of this game. So there's just straight up no reason to play this game today unless you either want a history lesson or a harmless way to spend 45 minutes. The controls are stiffer than they should be, the music gets repetitive, and some of the game's later levels are just copy pastes of earlier levels in the game. It certainly is no Mario 3, let alone Mario Wonder. Still, the Mario fun is there, so I can't hate it too much.

Something I find interesting about this game is that I actually find this game quite fun when I'm speeding through it as fast as I can. I think the game flows really nicely when approaching it in this manner, as opposed to playing the game slowly and carefully since I'll have to deal with the game's annoying momentum more.

2 days ago

JCLKaytwo commented on Xenobrina's review of Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga + Bowser's Minions
And you fundamentally misunderstand what the game was going for

3 days ago

3 days ago

JCLKaytwo commented on andrewsgameblog's review of Mario Kart 7
I totally agree with you that from today's perspective there really isn't much reason at all to go back to 7 instead of other games in the series like Wii or 8. But I feel like it's unfair to say that the game "lacks its own identity" because of stuff that a future game did.

4 days ago

4 days ago

JCLKaytwo backloggd Mega Man V

6 days ago

JCLKaytwo commented on 2manyW's review of Mega Man 2
I understand liking the game, but what do you have to be smoking to consider the game literally flawless?

7 days ago

JCLKaytwo commented on UrLocalBanktoad's review of Super Adventure Island II
@UrLocalBanktoad I think "platform-adventure" is apt because it is a combination of the platformer genre (Mario-like) and the action-adventure genre (Zelda-like), which is what Metroid was specifically intended to be in the first place. You traverse the world by platforming, but the gameplay is structured like an adventure game. Mario and Sonic are just pure platformers that have very little to do with the adventure genre.

I think the term "search action" is kinda dumb sounding because like I said it's just way too ambiguous and isn't specific enough. "Search" and "adventure" imply the same thing, so it is not descriptive at all. Even if certain action-adventure games do not focus heavily on exploration, the word "adventure" still implies exploration to some degree. In my mind there is no better term for the genre than "platform-adventure", since one of the defining features of the genre is platforming and I find it extremely weird to exclude that from the name of the genre. If you wanna find a substitute for "metroidvania", it is baffling to me that the word "platform" would be excluded. We already have "puzzle-platform", so the template works.

But, y'know, since metroidvania is by far the most common term for the genre, and everyone knows what to expect when someone calls a game a metroidvania, to call it something so random and undescriptive as "search action" just feels more contrarian than anything.

7 days ago

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