The only Mario Kart game I don't enjoy.

A great platformer where the emphasis is on exploration and item collection.

My least favourite of the 2D Mario games but it did give us Shy Guys, Bob-Ombs and excellent music so I can't really dislike it.

I didn't know what to expect from this. I kinda felt it might be a gentle wander through nature, and it is, but the handling of the gliding is absolutely incredible. I keep returning to it just to soar around the cliffside. A beautiful thing.

Absolutely incredible stuff.

This was the last game I played on my NES before it developed that blinking power light issue everyone eventually had.

Played through this in a single 4 hour sitting and really enjoyed it. A lot more linear than I expected but still a good time.

Very much enjoyed this at the time on a PC that could barely run it though all I can remember now is really disliking that Bender from Futurama joined the crew.

Still exceptionally fun and really fast; slingshotting around a Donut Plains hairpin like a rock on the end of a rope is exhilarating. Probably still my favourite Battle Mode in the series too.

Wasn't a fan of the earlier games but I loved this one. Maybe because I'm an old man but the heft of Max as he slung his body around and struggled to haul himself back up was perfect.

I prefer the aesthetic of this to 3rd Strike, especially since it has native widescreen support! Necro sounds weird though.

It's actually not too bad, despite not being Street Fighter at all. I always chose to play Power Blade instead.

A great port, even if I had to press start to switch between punches and kicks. Had a lot of fun with the team battles.

I love this! Ken looks hilarious on the artwork and there's a minigame beneath the main board where you beat up the car. I intend to own this one day though I imagine I'd need to learn repairs

A good GBA port considering the button limitation. Some fun Survival Modes too though my copy glitched out and corrupted the scores.