This was my first experience with Street Fighter III and I wasn't terribly keen at the time. It does look great though, and I've since grown fond of them (through the lens of 3rd Strike comparison).

Probably the only Zelda game I didn't really enjoy.

Borrowed a PS2 for this and my lasting memory is enduring, bleary eyed, a cutscene near the end that was so long I though maybe I was already sleeping. I kinda plan to return to it but I have even less patience for cutscenes now than I did then.

Always felt pretty guilty for not really appreciating this as much as others. The cell shaded look was extremely cool and the music felt fresh but I just wasn't getting any satisfaction from how it actually played.

An absolute belter. Maybe a bit light on challenge relative to 3D Land until the very, very end but it's still a joy throughout. Plus some of the platforms look like big cubes of pickled beetroot, which I consider a positive.

The conversations around grief we're more heartfelt than I anticipated. Almost made up for the dire dungeon design. The start of the intro tune is pretty cool also.

I generally prefer a game where I get to press a lot of buttons but the twists and charm (and music!) of this made a lovely change of pace during a period where I was travelling a lot.

I wasn't keen on this for a long time as I mainly played the SNES version which had a weird freeze (apparently for asset decompression) at round starts. I didn't have a PS1/Saturn of my own and arcades were dead so it was a long time before I grew to appreciate it. I'd like to play it a lot more tbh.

I don't know if Vita was the best platform to experience this one but when things were going well it was really cathartic to carve through foes.

My main memory of Half Life 2 is new gameplay trailers being released when Celtic were fighting against Porto in some football tournament and my entire home town was in my cousin's house watching the match while we both watched cars get smashed away by a helicopter over and over. The physics looked unbelievable (though the delayed release dampened their impact slightly).

I mostly just stroll around catching fish and listening to the music. Got some good friends on this island.

Played through this in a couple of sittings with my wife. Delivers a great cabin-horror experience but I wasn't as invested in the later plot developments. One of our characters died so we said we'd play it again some halloween but never ever did.

Adore this. Turn based battles are always more interesting when there's an action component. Really charming dialog and goofy humour too. I never got on with the later titles in the series as much.

Played up to the point I got to climb atop the Duomo and that was enough for me.