When I worked in McDonalds we had this set up in the staff room and I (over several shifts) was on a 100+ winstreak so my pal Jim swapped shifts with someone so he could work the same day and beat me. Andy beat me in a match the day before it though; Jim was gutted he got none of the glory.

I love the SNES version of SFII Turbo. I still prefer its crunchy take on the game's music and SFX to the arcade versions.

I loved this. A real goofy, tongue-in-cheek action movie plot wrapped around a nice n chunky cover-shooter core. Delicious.


The suspense of it all was amazing but it was not at all fun to play, crabbing-along, tapping X.

Really good. Might get it again for PC actually. Slightly too strict in gating progress maybe but there's a read Dreamcast vibe to the experience.

Also I initially thought Danica was called "Danny Kilpatrick" and that is very funny because I went to school with him.

The first THPS game I properly got into. Landing those reverts with that big GameCube shoulder button was a lovely sensation. Also whenever Ace of Spades comes on the radio in real life and approaches the two minute mark I start panicking about getting a combo started.

It's real tough. I played it after Super Probotector so it always felt like a step back to me. Very good though.

I adored Burnout 2 and 3 but could not get into this one. Wasn't keen on the changes to Crash mode and especially not keen on the open world, end-to-end races. It did not help that it was impossible for me to read the screen on my 15" CRT.

I think I'd give this a higher score if I knew what I was doing. Dan Hibiki is in it though, so that's good.

I enjoyed this just fine. I remember very little about it other than being underwhelmed by how shrinking was used.

Played for a decent while but lost interest way before the end.

Beyond the initial spectacle I wasn't keen on this on Dreamcast so I was surprised to find it was worse than I remembered.

A shaky start for this one but I loved it even then. A lot has improved since launch and while it didn't capture me as full as the Street Fighter IV series did I absolutely adored my time with it. I'll be back for Dan Hibiki's release.

My experience of the series was mostly THPS3 on Gamecube so I was very glad they included the Revert in this.

I don't remember a single thing about this except that it was good.