Playing the special ops co-operatively with ma pal Murray was a nice time. We never do stuff together any more.


The emphasis is on the puzzles, rather than the platforming. Was this the first of that big wave of indie games to to the 2D silhouette look? Even the newer Donkey Kong games used it.

This seemed really funny I wish I was clever enough to get the jokes.

Really loved this even though I could hardly read the text on my 15" CRT telly. The floaty handling of Mako reminded me of Zarch/Virus. Keen to play the others in the series but I'll wait for the remasters.

This is absolutely spectacular. Braid meets Blade. One of my favourite games of recent years and there's a wealth of modifiers to tinker with after you finish.

No idea why I didn't bother with any of the sequels because this is one of my favourite games. I especially appreciate that the lock-on means I don't have to aim, haha.

I don't remember a single thing about this except that it was good.

This was great until my Aunty Angie got better than me at it.

My experience of the series was mostly THPS3 on Gamecube so I was very glad they included the Revert in this.

I bought a giant, crystal Xbox with my nightshift cash for this game. Quivering in the dark a.m. as abuse got hurled at my headset. Didn't enjoy it as much as the first game buy those early Xbox Live days were really somethin'.

This was definitely a side-game compared to the 4-player mainstays of Goldeneye and WCW vs NWO but Melee eventually changed that.

I definitely didn't manage this back in the day so thank you, save states.

Beyond the initial spectacle I wasn't keen on this on Dreamcast so I was surprised to find it was worse than I remembered.

The first game to show me I'd played for over 100 hours. Some very intense rivalries with pals and link cables. Big cargo trousers full of AA batteries.