November, 2023


After a long hiatus I've returned. Pushing through to the story beats seems to be the right call for me. The aimless exploration has grown old, and I would rather just get to the end of the story.

I am already seeing a problem with rushing the main objectives though, and that I will be running out of materials very quickly. I will be forced to jump into the depths, or stop and scour for ingredients.



I completed episode 4, and I think I get what this game is doing. The open world portions are the meat of the game, and you get bits of levels sprinkled in to advance the story.

I like it. The joy of lego games is getting to explore areas and finding every secret.



I will have to play this and the original side by side, but is this mod sure fun. I might just go through the whole game again.




Learning the very well hidden speed boost and drift mechanics really changes this game. It goes from being an above average arcade port with a ridiculous concept, to an insanely addictive driving game.


October, 2023



The steam version lacking all the product placement is a huge let down. Not to mention the soundtrack being butchered.



If you have not played much Lego games since the OG Lego Star Wars, this will confuse you a bit. Having Story beats take place in the overworld was a bit to get used too. It makes sense and lets you experience the episode stories with richer content now that they aren't confined to the level format.




1h 0m


The difficulty and flow of this game is a breath of fresh air. It's tough, but figuring out an enemies attacks to dodge and find your opening is rewarding.




0h 45m


The presentation and humour of original games is still present and better than ever. I was a little unsure about switching to a more traditional third person camera style for the levels, but I think it works better to try and expand the lego formula.






I wrapped up my Civ game by getting absolutely trounced by the AI. 2.5 hours to have your portrait plastered onto a dart board. It intrigues me to continue delving into strategy games. But, maybe I should look elsewhere for my turn-based strategy fix.



September, 2023


With the full launch, they added competitive and Wingman. But maps are still missing, and some features that were previously present. Hopefully these get added soon as the package is a little lacking right now.


The padding sections of this game are quite painful to endure. Halting all progression until you catch a cat just sucks all the fun out of the experience.

On the other hand though, I want more puzzles with Toad. He is just so fun to have follow you around, and it could make for some interesting ideas with Gooigi as well.


Treating each floor as it's own world is nice to break up gameplay, and make it feel like there is a clear cut off point in each level.



Yeah, this might become my night time wind down game. No matter how little progress I make, I am always thinking. Just. One. More. Run.


The level design is just exhausting. After repeating the same area over and over I had to put it down. Maybe I will pick this up again and finish it, but my patience ran out for now.

1h 15m

I think I am into the meat of the game now. Each rooms has fun puzzles, but borders on the easy / tedious side. Hoping it ups the challenge a bit.


2h 0m


The added mechanics for ghost combat feel great and was something that I felt was lacking in the original. Music is a little strange. Have an orchestra is cool, but I liked the grungy techno sound of the original.



I did one side quest and got distracted by a shore line. Next thing I know 1.5 hours have passed. I'm never going to see the end of this game.



I have ended my feud with the Iroquois only to launch into war once again. Governments were overthrown and a Monarchy was installed. How will I turn this around??




The AI is hard. All I want to do it progress Russia's conquest on the world.


August, 2023


1h 0m

I beatthe big boo, but only by what feels like a fluke.

And now this 4th set of rooms seems aimless. You are just running around the mansion having to jump between floors. The worst part being the door to the second floor stairwell is locked for seemingly no reason


1h 35m

I've gotten all the way to the third boss, and I love how the game has opened up. There are a number of rooms you can tackle at a time, and you can clear out a corner of the mansion without leaving.

The big boo boss is a bit of a chore. Aiming with the ice power-up is not as precise as it should be and it leaves me flailing about trying to hit the boos.


This feels more mindless than other mario karts. I was able to play this with wife while having a full conversion and not really comprehending that we were playing together. Even without all the assistance features, the game just plays itself.


1h 17m

This game has such a nice flow. Just traveling from room to room figuring out small puzzles. The introduction of Boo’s provides a great challenge as well


0h 30m


This is the most gamecubey game. I have my doubts that Nintendo would have made something like this today, but I'm so thankful they did.

E Gadd is hilarious. I wish they did more with the B tier mario characters from this era.


After days of getting my butt kicked, I finally learned how to kind of pull off a shoryuken.