123 Reviews liked by kryst4line

"I love femdom" = words I won't say ever again after being annihilated by my friend in this stupid ass game. Fun times.

The idea of a racing game where you’re building the track and adding to it between races is a very novel idea. For what it’s worth the game does it well.

I’ve played a decent amount of rounds with a friend of mine and we’ve had a blast. I do however feel its novelty may wear off after awhile.

I also kinda wish you could just build your own tracks and save them but I get that it’s not the point of the game.

My main issues come in the games performance a lot of the vehicles I’ve found don’t control the best. Once I found one that worked I never bothered to change it up. Also the shortcut mechanic from what I can tell doesn’t work. If you fall off the track even if it looks like you’re gonna land in track below you you’re still gonna explode. I’ve also ran into a few glitches and during some sessions the game would lag real bad if you weren’t the host which isn’t the best for a racing game.

I also kinda wish there was a small point bonus for hitting a checkpoint first cause right now as long as you make it to the checkpoint you get points the same amount of points wether your first or last. The only time it matters if you cross the line first is at the finish line.

Overall though the game is fun it just needs a few more updates but I’ll keep playing it!

I'm not gonna beat around the bush here: I've cried laughing more times than I can count playing this. I already loved Quiplash 2 Internashional simply because it finally gave an opportunity to play a jackbox game with an excellent Spanish localization with my buddies, and this is just more of that plus two ''new'' games, and oh boy I adore this. Granted, the price is a liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiittle bit inflated, with this three-game package being similar in price to full blown Jackbox Party Packs, tho I can excuse that a bit with how cheap it does get in sales and how excellent the translation is. Still, probably the biggest drawback of this compilation, 'cuase otherwise it's pretty excellent for what it is: a small collection of little games for a group of people to play and have a laugh at, and oh boy does it succeed.

So, I think it's fair that I talked about the games included individually, not only because they are all pretty different in their approach, but also because I really believe some are better than others, so let's make a mini review for each of them, shall we?

Quiplash 3: It’s in those little moments where you and a friend give the same answer for a prompt where you realize you all share just a single neuron….

This may sound a little silly to say considering how positive I was about all this at the start but… I think I might actually prefer Quiplash 2 to this one? In that one the final round had much more variety and could be three completely things, here, while it’s not a big departure from what you do in rounds 1 and 2, it doesn’t quite reach the levels of le funny that completing comics in Quiplash 2 did. Still… I mean… it’s still fucking Quiplash, it’s still a riot to play and I’d say that I actually prefer some of the prompts here that in the previous versions, since they tend to lean to the more absurd aspect that results in even more absurd answers, and I love that. Even if they named the presentator Schmitty instead of the actual superior name that is Gutierrez, at the end of the day, peak is still peak, I love that motherfucker.


Tee K.O.: There’s no worse feeling that losing to a shirt with your own drawing AND phrase, at that point it’s just mean…

Tee K.O. is… fine, and it’s a shame I have to say that when it can get so coo coo crazy. Making multiple drawings and phrases and then combining them to create shirts and competing against one another is an incredibly inspired and fun idea, and it is fun, but sadly, it does have a couple of drawbacks that the others just don’t have. It’s the game that suffers the most by being played in smaller groups; the other games in the pack are a blast even with the minimum amount of people, but Tee K.O was clearly designed for voice calls with a ton of people, and even then, that doesn’t change the fact hat it’s so damn long to get to the point, and that’s probably the least involved of the games. Again, not bad at all, but it’s the game I come back to the least, specially when the two other options are right there.


Murder Party 2: They did it, I don’t know how but they sure did it, they made a simpler Mario Party that’s somehow more intense.

Really now, reducing Murder Party 2 to calling it a ‘’Mario Party’’ is a gross misinterpretation, because holy hell, is this game fantastic on its own merits. Combining a trivia game with a horror setting and introducing minigames and the alive and dead mechanic makes it some of the most fun multiplayer game I’ve tried in a very long while, and also probably one of the most original. The presentation, the trivia and minigames themselves, the finale… this is my favorite Jackbox game I’ve played so far by a long shot, it perfectly nails what it wants to be and, even if it’s a departure from the other games focused on absurdism, it’s still funny as hell and the tension makes it the most interesting to go back to.

A god-like way to end the collection, an outstanding multiplayer experience in almost every way.


An absolutely fantastic collection of the 3 best games in Jackbox, I will say you should really only get this if you're not planning on buying a lot of Jackbox, as it's pretty much a worse version of 3 as 60% of the games in that are either in this or a prequel to one of these
But again, good fun, amazing games

- Mom, why do you like my younger brother more than me?
- He does everything that you do but better in almost any way you can think of, aside from being slightly prettier, younger, smarter and also doesn't have the gay trait.

(this is a review on Rogue Legacy 2)

This review was written before the game released

its only a demo but its really really good

Bitches like "I'm straight as an arrow" but if the arrow vanishes so early, you might want to consider a career as a sub...Kid Icarus GB only understood half of that, so it became a subpar sequel. In the process of ironing out things like bottom screen killzone, Icarus has lost its edges, and I... have lost my marbles. Let a man commit unalive 🗣🗣 the things that were added not only are minors not allowed to buy drinks and drink drinks, none of them have the people of Backloggd go "it holds up, underrated gem, pure unfiltered soul". Kid can hover for a few since his wings have upgraded to kfc wings, apparently. But I feel like it was artificially engineered in a lab to always fail spectacularly. The game didn't add minor things, our minor here grew up and is now completely drunk. Jill Stingray what have you served this kid??

Pit's lack of control sees an attempt to tip the scales as enemies are now easier to hit. The way the code works is that there is one arrow on screen at a time, so the closer you are to an enemy, the more you can assault the guy with unanswered work calls. While Pit is embracing his melee days earlier than Brawl, this leads to all of us trying it out on bosses. Do not mix up high risk high reward with braindead spam, my child. It is not economically viable either because bosses still have a comically oversized HP pool.. that you cant see anymore ofc. Schrodinger's health sure is a decision and to add fuel to the fire, Centurious don't help you in battle. You have just removed the most unique aspect of the game. Bruuuuh 💀 my army is now giving me wine to "heal" I see why he's drunk now. In broad delight?? (unsatisfactory)

This is one of the reviews where it's really hard to talk about the positives. It'd be a shame to end the streak here though. Ok the infinite side scrolling is kinda fun yay token positive thought. Glad they didnt get rid of shortcuts for eggplant chad no being an eggplant is still not economically viable. In regards to bosses again, I have not even said my final piece, some of the worst designed bosses I've come across in recent memories. I'll stop kicking a dying horse (opting to kick a dying minotaur) I guess it's easier with upgrades, but these training rooms have gotten even more hectic... please Gunpei Yokoi if you can hear me please save us recites incantation I guess my prayers haven't been heard lately, I didn't even know enemies could drop health im ngl.

As a wise man called Mega once said "if you liked Kid Icarus you'll be bussin with the myths and monsters" roughly paraphrased circa not long ago, this man speaks the truth I believe I am just too quirky too special you know. The NES one I end up liking more and more as I play and the GB one is the opposite, so I can't even recommend to play the first level of each to decide which one to tackle, I guess all I can muster is "list of sequels' war crimes: a thread 🧵".

Very cute presentation, but the game's design is oddly frustrating because it always seems to be signalling that it's about to become an idle game, any second now, but the automation never kicks in. It ends up in unintentional Desert Bus territory: there's not enough going on to reward your undivided attention, but it's not possible to really set it and forget it, either.

It IS grindy and I think the reason so many reviews on Steam are citing that as a negative is because there's no sense of consistent progress, no matter how incremental. Crafting new equipment is fairly resource-intensive, and the results are randomized enough that there's no guarantee what you get is going to be better than what you started with, or even usable without leveling up your character.

The gameplay itself is generally fun, but there are a few moments in the game that are just the worst when it comes to difficulty spikes. Periodically the game will just throw up a wall to block off your progression, the worst of it being when the game just flat out refuses to have a dungeon work the way it's supposed to. When the developer proposed solution for the issue is to use the command console to turn on no-clip I think your game needs a little more time in the oven. Especially when the issue is a known issue for seven months without a patch in sight.

Also I feel the game can be somewhat directionless at times. You receive a quest and the game gets tightlipped about where to go or what exactly you need to do. It wouldn't be so bad if the world itself wasn't so needlessly massive and didn't take forever to get to most locations.

The combat is nice though, and I like the feel of the different classes. I played through it as a Warlock, and got about halfway as a Paladin, and the Ranger. It's got some major issues to be sure, and a lot of them are pretty hefty deal-breakers, but I do think it's worth trying at least. Just definitely on sale. I wonder how console players get to deal with the spire dungeon that required no clipping to be doable?

Cuesta creer que este juego sea gratuito. Tiene el nivel de detalle suficiente para pedir tan siquiera unos poquitos euros por el pero no, totally free. Sencillito, facilito de aprender y con un apartado artístico y sonoro muy bonito.

Un jueguito ideal para hacértelo en una horita para despejar la mente y ya si quieres, te pones en modo complecionista con los logros. Algún día lo intentaré pero hasta entonces, si te van los plataformas, dale por que no tiene desperdicio.

Es sin lugar a dudas el juegos más caótico y aleatorio que he jugado en mucho tiempo. Su historia es absurda y las cinemáticas para contarla no tienen ni pies ni cabeza. Sigo sin saber muy bien a que he jugado, y pese a ello puedo decir que lo bueno es que una vez te metes en su sistema de juego puede llegar a divertir un rato. Creo que el juego pretendía ser algo increíble y no es la gran cosa, habiendo más cariño por los minijuegos absurdos sacados de un Yakuza que en el propio juego normal.

No es un juego que recomiende, salvo que (como a mi), te guste la basura dentro del mundo de los videojuegos. Soy sincero, Gollum es mejor juego.

It is a fairly short game but at the same time entertaining
I would have liked even if it was another map or a little longer.
It helps you extend it a little more by trying to get all the badges
I recommend it if you want to disconnect a little like a little furry demon who is dedicated to dirtying the house when he is unattended

And I was missing 3 badges, but with the help of the steam community (connected right at 4:30 am) I was able to complete it all

entrar a valencia ciudad be like

One of the most fun games in the console, specially in multiplayer.

It's easily the best DD game in the series, and it's not even developed by the same original team who did the PS1 games.