To this day still my favorite in the series. Refined everything that was fun about the first one, brought in cool multiplayer modes. A solid entry.

The first entry in the series is already a pretty solid shooter. Introduces the fast cover system, good pacing and nice arenas.

One of the best ports of Final Fight ever, with a fantastic remastered soundtrack.
Comes bundled with Magic Sword for some reason, not sure who wanted that to happen.

It always felt so weird that when I finished this game I was under the impression that I had seen merely the half of it.
It was not that fun to play and showed potential, but at the end of the day I mostly recall being disappointed at the end.

This game is broken from start to finish. The driving is garbage, the gunfights are awful, a lot of the dialogue is corny, just moving around in the world is overall a downright displeasing experience.
This game is also absolutely fantastic in terms of setting, writing, ambiance, bizarre.
I cannot recommend it because chances are most people would hate it.
But I also cannot recommend it enough.

For some reason I dropped out of this game after a few hours. Not sure why, the mechanics were pretty original and the setting was phenomenal. I guess I need to pick it up again.

An excellent port of Daytona USA to the PS360 generation of home consoles. Plays and looks just like the legendary arcade game.

A clever re-invention of the Burnout formula, before its developer got stuck to shit out a yearly Need For Speed by Electronic Arts. Even DJ Diabolika doesn't upset me as much as other games that are way too familiar with me. It's such a cool game.

A fairly stupid, unimaginative and repetitive FPS that thinks it's way clever than it actually is. The trickshots are fun for an hour, then they get just repetitive and dull. Dialogue so stupid it probably was written by a toddler. Nope thanks.

I really wanted to love this game because Jack Black is cool and the soundtrack is amazing and I love that secondary characters are rock legends but the STR segments of this game were truly awful, awkwardly designed, not fun to play, frustrating and downright annoying.


When other games find a clever and original mechanic, they use it again and again until it no longer feels either clever nor original. Braid doesn't do that. Braid's take on time is so well made that every level brings a different twist. Solving puzzles requires a different approach every time. It was truly ahead of its time.

It's fast, it's brutal, it's sexy, it's Bayonetta.

Take everything that was great about Arkham Asylum, and make it an open world. Absolutely mesmerizing and perfect in every aspect.

I was getting desperate about ever seeing a good Batman game again, after things like Dark Tomorrow came out... but this, this was such an amazing surprise. The fighting system, simple but efficient, made Batman fly from one enemy to the other, distributing punches to the face like nobody's business. The scenario is also pretty cool and if it weren't for the mediocre final boss, it would have been perfect.

I really liked the idea of a narrator commenting on everything you do but unfortunately, and despite its charming graphics and cool ambiance, I never quite got into the game. Every time I gave it a try, I got bored pretty quickly and gave up.