Got the game to play on my phone with a gaming controller and holy shit it did not dissapoint.
The performance was great, which was what expected since i'm pretty sure if I inserted a flash drive containing the game into a sponge cake it would at least run the tutorial.

After 25 hours I can certainly say this is one of the best games ever made.

I finished it on both Normal and Hard mode with Dante and I'm currently playing as Vergil (which is fucking cool as shit to play as) and finishing as Dante on Very Hard.
The combat is surprisingly deep, and if you master Royalguard while playing you can feel like a literal god, Swordmaster is probably the most fun style to play with, Gunslinger is the most useless, but I still liked it. And Trickster is the best for newcomers.

My complaints: For as much as I like the campaign, playing it over and over can be kinda tiring. I wish Vergil's campaign wasn't just Dante's campaign again.
A potential remake could tweek alot of stuff in the story to make Vergil a more active player in the story, giving him unique missions and bosses to fight.
Another thing is that Vergil's combos feel kinda lacking, you don't have different combos for the same weapon depending on the timing you press the buttons. You just have one combo (which sucks).

Footnote: I love the little detail they added in the memory card for the ps2 edition where there's a little Jester plushie as the placeholder for your save files.

I wasted 30+ hours on this shit to try and unlock all the characters. All of that just for what? just for me to be stupid enough to turn off the ps2 while it was saving.

Now I lost everything and I'm sad.

You can air-dash in the middle of a fight.

That alone makes this game about 60% better than almost every other fighting game there is.


The epitome of player freedom and masterful world building in a crpg.
While combat isn't nearly as polished or inherently interesting as the other aspects of this game it still really shines once you get the hang of things and learn how to completely annihilate your enemies and blow them up into chunky bits or torch them to death.
As for the other elements of the game? They're perfect.

the foundation for one of the best shooters ever is there and i cant wait for this game to get completely finished.

i might be one of the 17 people in the whole world to think this one is just as good as the first one.
its way more ambitious, the levels have a different design philosophy to them which makes it so you can just rush through the stages carelessly, you have to take a balance between quick thinking, fast reflexes and recklesness, which in turn makes it way more satisfying to get an S rank on almost every level.
Contrary to popular belief i think the levels with beard are actually pretty solid even tho they're by far the weakest ones in the whole game

fuck the Genocide achievement tho
that shit can go suck my nuts.

It's such a ridiculously unoffensive game that, while i completely agree with many of the criticisms this game gets and totally understand what makes it such a departure from the previous titles, it still boggles me to no end how so many people have such passionate hatred for it.
Fallout 4 a painfully mediocre albeit superficially fun shooter where nothing really stands out at all when compared to the older, more in-depth titles of the franchise.

(for the record I have not played Far Harbour or any of the other DLCs for this game)

The ending is kind of weak but that doesn't matter cause everything else in this game fuckin' bangs.


The Carkour mode is the dumbest fuckin' thing I hate it.

The story is so basic and mediocre it makes me wanna die but HOLY SHIT is the game satisfying to play.

the gameplay is smoother than a baby's face covered in butter. Holy shit is it satisfying to play.

Also the game's easy as fuck to get all trophies in.
Multiplayer is the weakest part of it and it still slaps hard.
The campaign could be a bit longer though
not really an issue but yea

Perhaps the coolest racing game of all fucking time.
impeccable aesthetic and UI design, wonderfully catchy soundtrack, perfect gameplay loop.
Every good aspect of this game just bleeds into one another making it one of the most memorable experiences in that generation of games.