A very strong Assassin's Creed, but the weakest in the Ezio trilogy. The world is beautifully crafted, but since it's only one city, it falls behind AC2 for me. The addition of the recruiting mechanic is also a high point. A great game overall.

The gameplay, sea combat and chants are amazing, but the story lacks a little, and it doesn't fit that nicely into the Assassin's Creed lore.

The Flood is the best enemy in the Halo series, period. Awesome game

Despite some of its defects, like Roach and the map bugging a couple of times, this game is a masterpiece. For sure the best game I've ever played and possibly the best I'll ever play.

The design aspect of the game is so present that it actually got me into brutalist architecture. Aside from that, I enjoy the immersion, story and the feels that it gives.

Underrated game, the travel and combat mechanics set it apart from the others and the silly/relaxed vibes and art style already give me nostalgia.

Awesome Istanbul scenery and enjoyable mechanics, it's a great conclusion to Ezio's and Altair's stories.

Got it for free in games with gold and it turned out to be one of the greatest FPS experiences I've ever had. Some remarkable points are: the way all the sceneries are recreated, the really fun and engaging multiplayer and the one factor that sets it apart from the others, how it makes you despise and hate war while playing a war game.

Favorite Call of Duty for me, the fun multiplayer maps, many hours playing zombies with friends and one of the best COD campaigns really get the nostalgia going.

My first entry in the Gears of Wars series, enjoyed both the campaign and the multiplayer. Horde was a favorite for me.

Didn't play much of the multiplayer, but the campaign is what got me into Halo, awesome and engaging.

It's the first Horizon game I've played and it's difficult to describe how much I love it. The scenery is incredible, I really enjoy the cars' feels and sounds and the soundtrack for each radio is well chosen. It also has kind of a summer vibes to it, but it might be because I played it during summer.

A well done remake, enjoyed the gameplay, combat and story.

Gorgeous aesthetics and graphics, really fun to play. Wish it was longer, bot overall an awesome game.

The stealth aspects, level design and ambience work together to deliver an awesome experience.