I don't really remember this one as much as Sly 2 but another banger by sucker punch. I miss this comedy style and vibe!

BANGER I would be so down for a good sly cooper reboot. More games like this in 2023! I think we got pretty close to a good modern execution of this style with Psychonauts 2

Banger soundtrack I need to finish this game

I love this game so much how did they manage to pack so much personality into a bunch of minigames. I know Megamix is technically a port of this but I wish there was a portable port of just this game so I could play it all the time. The minigame selection is so so tight and the lack of a story/characters interrupting between games just makes the minigame characters shine so much more and become main chracters themselves. If you enjoy rhythm games do not miss this one!

Perfect game, had NO reason to be as funny as it is + obviously the puzzles are whole bangers.

My first (probably only) Pikmin and what a lovely game it is! A lot more tense than I expected, I actually got a bit freaked out by the non-existing entity and the night missions and shelved it now, I was expecting more of a calm resource management thing. I'll get back to it when I have more time, but I think it's just excellent!

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Ok, hear me out. The main prosecutor is in my opinion the weakest of the Ace Attorney saga up to this point and that brings this game down a lot, yes. The plot doesn't tie up particularly epically and it doesn't pick up pretty much any plot points from previous games. But:
- Seeing the last minutes before death is a cool mechanic
- It's cute to see Maya back! And you get to play a whole case alongside Edgeworth after practically not seeing him interact with Phoenix for years!
- Apollo's backstory here I actually love. Very cute.
- Getting to play AGAINST phoenix is just an inspired idea. It's incredible how not getting to read his inner dialogue makes you realise how actually competent he would seem to everyone else. It's the closest thing the saga has to a boss fight!

I genuinely think this game gets more flack than it deserves and yes, it's not the same as the original trilogy. Saying this is part of a AJ trilogy IS pretty stupid, and AA4 would feel more like a good trilogy finale than this one (obviously the timeline would make no sense, just in terms of overall + final case quality when compared to the OG trilogy and the DGS duology). It definitely is more about apollo than AA:DD, at the very least. All of that said, I think fans of the series and even newcomers can enjoy this title, and I look forward to whatever is next to come from the saga, especially after DGS2 got finally localised.

VERY worth finishing these games, the final case of the duology is tied for my favorite case in the whole saga with JFA-4. Just an epic experience, the pure adrenaline of tying up every loose thread, with delightful surprises at every turn (as opposed to JFA-4's slowly mounting tension and rather stand-alone nature).

I do hate the Kokoro cases, though. Like, when you look back to them they're really solid misteries!! But they felt like such a slog to get through for me and were the clear low points. dgs2's kokoro case made my sister drop the saga for half a year so I'm particularly mad at it.

WHAT A POWER COUPLE. I still can't believe they made this game specifically for me.
Real talk though, it's so cool to me to see how clearly this game's mechanics influenced The Great Ace Attroney's. Maya and Luke interacting are so cute. If wrightworth wasn't such a married couple Phoenix and Layton would be an ao3 top 20 ship.

Definitely a step down in terms of plot setup and payoff, but we still get a lot of lovable characters to have fun with. I personally enjoy Phoenix in this game although I wish he kept a bit of the sassyness of AA4, still love catching glimpses of it in some of his dialogue.
Apollo reads like a shonen protag in this game and it's so stupid and hillarious. I love camp.

Good game but I'm personally not very into the format. I've heard the sequel is great and I will finish that one! Eventually!

A new direction for the saga, I love the tone of this one and the new characters are an instant classic. Apollo is such a great character to me he's like Captain Average but that makes him interesting ???
I personally love sassy dilf phoenix I think it's a very fun direction to take the character and fits his role in this story.

Again, an incredible final case that ties up everything set up by the previous two in an immensely rewarding manner. The cases before it are a bit of a mixed bag in retrospect, and I feel like the final case makes the memory of them a lot sweeter. In any case, definitely worth all the hours of the trilogy to get here!

I know getting through the clown case is a slog, but I feel like anyone who makes it to the final case of this game inevitably ends up becoming a fan of the whole series. An incredible showcase of the heights these games are able to achieve

I love these games so much and this is such a banger introduction to a banger franchise. Instantly recognisable characters and a zany sense of humor make it a great stand-alone, while setting up plot points that will enormously reward those who continue with the trilogy.