Of course I’ve played DOOM. Silly

It's a vibe-driven story. Get past that and you'll find an amazing SMT game.

End it here Nintendo! You did it! It's good! Let Sakurai rest!

I've given this game 1,000 hours of so of my life. I wishlisted it because I loved Guild Wars 1 so much; its world is so bleak, the way the game played rewarded theorycrafting, there were so many opportunities to make custom challenges.

Guild Wars 2 simply isn't that game. It's another kind of game; the single-player experience is not unlike Breath of the Wild, where you make your own fun exploring the world, seeing organic quests pop up, seeing vistas, doing puzzles, it's all very dense.

The story itself also has little of the bleakness the original had, even when the game itself is going for bleak like in Heart of Thorns — the scale of the conflict has just gotten too high. I never wanted to interact with mythological figures directly, take down gods, or even think about dragons. I was happy doing espionage on a human scale and interacting with the avatars of the gods now gone.

In its place the story just feels like it was done by entirely different writers, different artists, different people altogether. ArenaNet as a studio changed a lot between games, and that's fine. Guild Wars 2 does what it's trying to do well.

Most of my time was spent in World vs. World — logging in day after day and seeing the same people in a crew of a couple dozen or a couple hundred felt very intimate, very cool. I liked getting a reputation from my actual achievements as a warrior or as a defender with these same people. After a while even that started to feel a bit nihilistic — it's just not a mode that players or developers as a whole care too much about.

It's weird because WvW was intended initially as the thing to do after completing the game, I think, but it never took off that way and it ended up being more or less shelved. I think GW2 focuses mostly on PvE these days.

Now I just sort of log in and do my dailies once every few months and wonder what it is that rubs me the wrong way now. I guess it's like being forced to look at how the thing I once loved isn't here...?

Yeah, yeah...I played this game three times. I guess I must like it, right?

Rin may be best girl but I think this is probably the better version of the game. It's very tightly constructed around the original premise and I think a lot moodier overall? I feel like sometimes the Golden version of Atlus games are too into celebrating themselves retrospectively and lose sight of delivering their original thesis; Rin feels a lot like Marie in Persona 4 Golden in that respect.

The Catherine True ending is the best one I think. And it makes the Rin endings later on in Full Body seem less weird, too.

It's like Tetris but pretty and soundtracked to stuff you're gonna forget in a few minutes. Maybe you want that. It can be nice!

This review contains spoilers

I was going to follow the VNDB rec and treat the Higurashi series as two games (ni + ni Kai) but I realised I was thinking about each chapter as a story in its own right; indeed since that's how they were released anyway, I will probably just review these independently.

Without divulging the plot all over again, Onikakushi takes a really long time to get itself settled and established but once it does it becomes very hard to put down; there are several moments in the story that just stick in my mind and the atmosphere gets set up very well. You leave with questions! Gaps! What did this and that mean? And indeed the Tips as the story go on are less like Tips and more like interludes meant to introduce more of these ... gaps.

What struck me is the way the story makes you feel like you're in an abusive relationship; like, it's not about that per se, but it's about how you can't tell when someone is going to be the nice version of themselves or the harsh and cruel one, and when you have to pretend everything is okay in order to just survive.

That said it's not like you can talk about this game by itself; every discussion board on the internet wants you to read them all first... so we just have to keep moving... onto ch 2.

The most intense 3 hours of your life in some respects. I am not sure I will ever forget this.

I’ve been playing on and off since first season. It’s true what they say: there are infinite kids out there for you to kill.

Victory Royales are low hanging fruit, you just step on a staircase of children to get there.

One of the best chill games I’ve found with friends.

Has so much personality in the way Sakurai games have personality, but filtered in the N64 aesthetic it’s extremely memorable.

Amazing remake. Lost my copy. This game is why I can only enjoy romhacks now. Nothing hits as hard.

If you aren't playing with friends you're torturing yourself. If you are playing with friends it's tolerable so long as you don't start hating each other in the process. I don't know how they perfected this game's ability to spoil human relationships and put you in an awful mood.

This is the prettiest VN I've ever played in my life; still it doesn't hit the same heights other Nasu works hit.

The first Zelda game I ever liked. And I tried!

I feel like I'm constantly trying to meme myself into liking this game. It's not a bad game. I just am not sure it is for me. Also I'm bad shut up