I struggle to find a way to talk about this game in a way that won't seem like I'm just playing it wrong, because that's what's happening. I'm playing it wrong. However, I think there's a lot of elements of this game that just don't work if you don't play it "correctly", and if you aren't already in the groove, it's nearly impossible to get there.

It took me two attempts to get through the first Dishonored. The first time, I tried to do stealth no-kill because I try to play games the way I myself feel like I'd go about it in real life, morally. This went... awfully. It's hard. Extremely so. I got frustrated, put it down, and didn't come back for years.

The second time, I tried to drop all of that, killing when things went wrong, and enjoyed it a good bit more. I still didn't fully engage with everything the game had to offer, but I felt satisfied with my playthrough. Then the dlc decided to up the difficulty, so I dropped out and didn't play Dishonored 2 until now.

As soon as I started Dishonored 2 (on normal difficulty), I realized that the game immediately decided that I had to have retained everything I learned and that there was no warm-up necessary. It's SO much harder. SO MUCH. So I should just get good, right? Well...

So my problem with Dishonored 2 is that it does not ever give you time to catch up to its skill level before throwing new elements at you... and that's if you even learn how to use the base level gadgets and powers effectively at all. I was constantly dying despite shedding any pretense of full stealth/no kill, and it kept compounding frustration to the point that I always took the easiest route, linking enemies then shooting with sleep darts, followed by crossbow bolts as soon as I ran out of the darts.

That's such a lame way to play, right? I'm very aware. What else was I supposed to do, though? It felt like every attempt at experimentation lead to frustration, so I took the path of least resistance every time. This also had repercussion on non-combat scenarios- why would I spend time reading the extra lore if I felt like I was going to be stuck on the next part for 20 minutes? The game became something that I tried to rush through, and this game is absolutely NOT meant to be played that way.

I blame the game for some of this, but I already know that some of the issues are still on me. I wasn't playing for immersion or just to explore, I was playing because I wanted to experience Dishonored 2, probably in just one playthrough. I'm not the target audience. These games are made for people willing to go through multiple times, just soaking in everything and seeing all the crazy stuff they can pull off. I think there's a world where I could be one of those players MAYBE, but it just felt so overwhelming all of the time.

It's still a good game, though. I can see how a new game+ playthrough could allow crazier combos of powers, I didn't even touch bone charms really outside of applying the ones I found, and there's a lot of paths I didn't even explore. I had some of those crazy revelatory moments that you're supposed to have, such as when I discovered an easy way to take out all the clockwork soldiers in the mansion with just one rewired trap. I just wish I could actually consistently pull off that stuff, instead of panicking as soon as I get caught and killing everyone just so I can get back to the task at hand.

Seeing how good the writing gets at the very end makes me so sad at the missed potential the rest of the time.

I wish I hadn't spoiled most of the endings before I played this.

Simultaneously one of my favorite games of all time and a game that I can hardly see myself replaying too much now.

Maybe I don't hate turn-based rpgs. Or, the more likely case, this is just that good.

Does anyone actually finish this?

Considering the amount of money put into most AAA games, this is what I would expect. God-tier presentation and extremely strong combat.

Never quite as good as the hype, but it's fun!

Definitely not as good as the first, but it's cool.

Masterpiece. Naughty Dog finally figured out how to mesh their storytelling with amazing gameplay. Dying to see how these mechanics work in Factions.

Fantastic, I just have a hard time coming back just for challenges.

I'll give a little boost for being fun to screw around in, but trying to finish this was a slog and I had to use a guide. If I didn't want to tear my hair out, that is.

This is, without a doubt, the best DS game ever made.

I'm uh... I'm almost thinking this is my favorite Mario game now.