468 Reviews liked by middleman6251

Where's Joker from Persona the 5th

Phenomenal experience from beginning to end. This is my real first Metroid experience and it did not disappoint. This is a GOTY contender for sure, the first big one I’ve played this year. Go buy this game NOW.

Went back to experience this one after loving Dread. The controls were a bit rough, but other than that, this was an amazing experience. Its incredible how fast Nintendo got the formula right so early in the series' history. Can't believe I went this long without experiencing this amazing series.

A very solid game. Controls felt very snappy and traversal was a great delight. Nintendo did a great job at transforming an NES game into a more “modern” feeling game.

That being said, I did feel that the game still suffered from a bit of “NES BS” here and there, especially toward the latter half of the game. The added epilogue was cool but felt disjointed from the rest of the experience as well.

There’s so much I love here, and so much that I hate. It’s by far the Metroid game that leaves me the most conflicted.

On one hand, I love the atmosphere and change of locale. The presentation here was fantastic. Things look, sounds, and feel great and scary. Traversal and combat feel great, with Samus feeling as great to control as ever.

However, there are design choices that absolutely infuriate me. Most bosses feel incredibly cheap, like NES cheap. But the worst thing is how linear this game is. Metroid isn’t associated with linear gameplay. I never felt that I was truly exploring this space station. Sure, there are plenty of paths and secrets to find. But I never felt this I was discovering my path and what to do.

All and all, this is a good game. But nowhere near the best that this legendary series has to offer.

Hardcore Metal Gear fan here. This was my first Metal Gear game, which is ironic because this is the last game in the series chronologically. MGS4 is the best movie you'll ever play. ^_^

won me over, a major step up from SMT4/Apoc which almost took me out of the series. Longer form review TBA but it’s a really meditative experience, a return to form in many ways, with a killer soundtrack

I will not play Pokemon League of Legends
I will not play Pokemon League of Legends
I will not play Pokemon League of Legends
I will not play Pokemon League of Legends
I will not play Pokemon League of Legends

Good port of Final Fantasy 1, but please don't buy it for $11.99.

este juego es comparable a una copa ornamentada dorada hecha de plastico y llena de agua tibia

It's not outdated you are just lame as fuck

I couldn't get all the achievements because I have to be mean to her for one of them and I couldn't bring myself to do it after about 15 minutes of staring at the screen

If there's anything that was on my mind about Resident Evil 4's development, it's how it branched off into the creation of Devil May Cry. After experiencing it for myself, I can see a good chunk of DMC1's DNA in this game. Both of them are incredibly tight action-based experiences that are tonally in sync with both their oppressive atmospheres and campy storylines. The main difference I picked up on from DMC is that RE4 is a comparably more linear experience. Not to say that DMC was anything close to a search action title, but RE4 felt more like a rollercoaster ride of action. I think this works to its benefit, though. It allows RE4 to keep a strong level of momentum throughout the entire experience. In fact, I think its pacing is more similar to DMC3 in that regard. What I believe this showcases is how RE4 reflects the direction of the action games that followed it and how they focus on more linear, moment-to-moment experiences that build up over the course of the game. It makes RE4 that much more interesting to analyze as a cornerstone of gaming history.