the story behind all of the unpacking is pretty interesting

this game slaps so much, but the ending? felt a little anticlimactic, I needed more explosions

It is very challenging to enjoy the story of a game when the gameplay becomes monotonous past 1 hour and, for the most part, the movements and actions are clunky. But! I find the lore of Alan Wake very interesting and I totally recognize the growth of Remedy's games.

this game takes 90% of my time

this changed my life's trajectory

I'm not trying to brag, but Bloodborne wasn't much of a challenge for me. The beginning was a little hard, since Bloodborne's mechanics are quite different compared to the Dark Souls trilogy, but a few tries and deaths are enough for someone to get used to the way you play.

It was amazing, but I admit that, in terms of storytelling and quests, Bloodborne is one of the weakest. I didn't feel that the characters had interesting stories or that the actions I took on them made any sense. But, the immersive environment of the bloodborne world, the bosses and enemies... very well developed. Although they weren't the hardest (most of them were first tries), they were almost all memorable (I mean, Vicar Amelia, am I right?).

I ended up wanting more, this game has this addictive effect of being so chaotic, dark and frantic. The DLC will be coming soon.

Demons Souls, the one that started the best era ever in the gaming world, bringing a fresh, challenging and addictive genre. I didn't have the chance to play the original version (playstation 3 version), so the review will be completely focused on this remake. And I have to say, kuddos for the quality this game delivers. At all times, I was fascinated by the visuals, the surrounding environment, the sound quality of footsteps, attacks and other random noises. The group that built a whole new soundtrack for this game was, obviously, never going to disappoint, knowing that they did the Bloodborne soundtrack as well. All the songs turned a simple boss battle into the most badass battle ever. In terms of story and gameplay, it's one of the simplest in terms of plot and lore, comparing to the other souls, the bosses are mainly focused on technic, therefore, very easy if you pay attention (the boss runs were the hardest, in my opinion). Overall, it was a really fun experience and I recommend all souls fans to play this game.

this isn't just a game... this is a journey and an experience

this was amazing, enjoyed every second of it

Why is this game so small? Still pretty enjoyable, even with a small campaign

up or down? i'm down sad, that's what