i never played the originals (or much pokemon in general) so i don't have a lot to compare this to, but i liked the world, music, and designs. i think this was a good generation and i enjoyed playing it.

can't really get much better than this

aa6 is a game.
the pacing is downright awful compared to previous entries (including aa5). however, i will say that the highs of aa6 are much much higher than any positives i found in aa5. which is something. i still dislike the game, but it gave me 6-2 and 6-4 which i would genuinely replay. i dislike a lot of the new characters in this game, the new location is way out there and feels way too racially charged (in naming conventions lol), and did not like the implications of the conclusion. any character included from a previous aa game has like zero development (its been years since we've seen maya in a game and they write her the exact same way!!)
wanted to murder nahyuta multiple times.

i feel like i can put up with a lot with video games, especially ones from a series i adore, but after trying to play this one on and off for almost three years i think maybe i should just quit trying lol.
got partway thru the 4th labyrinth so i know i'm kinda close to the end but i just don't enjoy playing this one

picross babyyy
this was my first picross game and it spawned a deep puzzle obsession that i've never been able to shake. thanks nintendo

i really want to finish this game someday (probably got halfway thru), but the control scheme for the ground sections kills my hands :(

i can't speak for other natsume harvest moon titles, but honestly this one wasn't that bad. like gameplay and story-wise it was probably as good as the weaker bokumono games. wasn't crazy about the artstyle or terraforming, but enjoyed the simple story, farmsim elements, and the music. a lot of these characters were archetypes seen often in bokumono games, but some we haven't seen in awhile so it felt a bit more unique than releasing gray 5.0 into the world lol
married tony

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(replay) all the extra lore in the starred run was really neat and i didn't even realize any of it existed!!!

i loved a lot of the characters and the town, and i think the intent behind the story and how it was meant to progress was well-done. it has that charm that all the 3ds-era bokumono games have. and i married neil, the funniest bachelor in this game.
yet, i feel like so much of my gameplay was spent waiting very long periods of time (sometimes full seasons!!) for things to occur so i could unlock new content and missions to progress the game's story. i would never replay this one and its definitely not my favorite in the series, but i'm glad i got to experience it despite its glaring flaws in pacing and gameplay.

found the characters and music in this game super cool. the story is pretty typical, but that isn't bad imo. this was my first fire emblem so i was terrible and had no clue how classes and pair ups worked, but i struggled through it for that great ending scene with chrom and lissa. married libra, game well spent i think

really cemented how well animal crossing works as a portable title (even though the original is my favorite). fun and charming, i really enjoyed building up my town and just doing nothing for hundreds of hours lol

fun game! i don't play animal crossing for design inherently, so it was cool to get a spin-off completely devoted to it (and not in the main game). i wasn't able to play it as much as i wanted when it released, so it would be fun to come back to someday. very charming title

i wasn't initially gonna review but since there's nothing on this page... toy shop was a nintendo ds game from 2008 that i played constantly as kid, but i can't remember anything about it and i don't think i was able to make any progress at all. it wasn't that good or easy to understand, but its one of those games that feels like a core memory to me lol

awful shovelware. never played a more boring game in my life (and i play a lot of bad budget games that i end up liking lol)

i love this game so much. adore the characters, their motivations, and how the story unfolds. the music and visuals are hauntingly beautiful and i enjoy the DS-era gimmicks. i want to rotate this game around in my mind.