Anemic character writing, sappy plot. Still, Toby Fox is a pretty cool guy, and the soundtrack is great, so I can't say I hate it.

Pretty annoying (and expensive!) to actually play, but more proof of Tsuchiya's genius. He pretty much predicted modern soshage design with this game, lol.

It's SM64. Not rating it because it's so influential that any number I could put on it would be meaningless.

Story/dialogue is quite bland, but the gameplay is addictive, to say the least, and it has one of the greatest soundtracks of all time. Almost every single song is a winner.

I also appreciated the more involved combat/character growth in Sophie, and was kind of sad these elements were toned down in subsequent Fushigi games.

Ugly as sin and annoying to navigate.

Actually a gem, don't be fooled by the fact that it's a licensed game. Consistently entertaining puzzles and a hard mode that actually switches up the design of the game instead of just fiddling with numbers!

This was made by Mikami before he went on to create the Resident Evil series. I haven't played any RE game, but this is better than all of them.

Crossbell is cool and it has Azure Arbitrator

I don't want to read text in a Zelda game. They're not RPGs.

Writing is pretty terrible, getting the true ending takes way too long. Soundtrack is good.

The best Zelda game. All of the 3D ones suck.

Naramura Takumi is a genius. The best Metroidvania, and the best example of how to make the lore and backstory of a game relevant to the actual play experience.

Much better soundtrack than FC. First half of the game kind of drags

Gameplay is absolutely atrocious by modern standards; ARPGs are a genre that really only got better with time. Soundtrack is unbelievably gorgeous and evocative, just try to forget that the composer is a netouyo now.

Way too basic to be worth playing now. Was a groundbreaking foray into more cinematic storytelling at the time.

Great production values, design kind of wears out its welcome as it goes on.