A contender for worst major commercial JRPG of all time. I will never forgive Camelot

I think I actually enjoyed Quest 64 more than this lol

Has a lot of pretty questionable design, but is incredibly fun to play on Distorted once you understand the nuances of the system and can handle the execution.

Despite being much shorter than DT3, it's still a lot longer than the average indie platformer, clocking in at 20-30 hours for a single playthrough, too.

Epic SF plot combined with deep action gameplay, what's not to like?

I grew up never really reading much science fiction, and I credit Baldr Sky with fostering an interest in the genre in me as an adult (I first played it in 2011, when I was 21 or so). In that sense, it's a game I'll never really forget. I still think its take on AI is really cool, too.

Possibly the most insane pacing of all time, which is both a good and bad thing. The setting is nowhere near as developed as it would be in Sky, and the story is cliched in some ways, but if you want a fast-paced cyberpunk adventure there aren't many games that will deliver on it as well as Force.

Doesn't deliver the immersive worldbuilding of Sky or the breakneck pacing of Force, and the plot honestly feels pretty compromised in many ways. But the last route manages to capture that "Baldr" feeling and the combat is still cool, so it's hard to hate on it too much.

The yuri shipping and music are good. I already forgot about the rest of the game

The best kusoge of all time.

The gameplay gets pretty repetitive, and the story suffers from pacing issues in the middle, but if you want a more-or-less traditional JRPG with a consistently serious tone and well-written characters, you're probably not going to find a mass market title that fits the bill better than Berseria. Female protagonist is a major plus, too.

The skits are the best part of the game.

Dull mess of a game with annoying characters and a half-baked plot. Way, way long for its own good, and the constant load times don't help!

I have nothing bad to say about the soundtrack, though. Possibly Meguro's best work to date.

As a game, it's a terrible mess. It's impossible not to notice just how low budget it was, and while the battle system is interesting on a conceptual level, the way it's implemented and balanced makes the game incredibly unfun to play.

The main story is also kind of haphazard, and wouldn't be very satisfying on its own. It's fortunate, then, that the character scenarios (the social link equivalents) are all quite thoughtful and (mostly) competently told. Every character is interesting and memorable, with motivations and backstories that are quite bit more down-to-earth than you would expect from a JRPG. The game also treats difficult social issues with a degree of nuance, acknowledging that no one's problems are going to magically be solved by the end of the game; even some problematic elements from early in the story are reexamined and overcome later on. My only real complaint with the character scenarios is that it's pretty clear they ran out of time/money with the last few characters on the "villain" side of things.

If you want a glimpse of what modern Persona could be if the writing actually reflected the real world, please give Caligula a try. Just don't expect it to be a good game, because it's not.

Also, the soundtrack is great, especially if you're a Vocaloid fan.

The best cold open of any piece of media in any medium.

It was only after playing another game after this that ending E really sank in for me. I remember sitting up in bed at night while thinking about another game and suddenly realizing that no, I didn't think games were silly little things. If nothing else, I'm glad Automata put that into words for me.

It kinda sucks to play now, but it honestly deserves recognition for how damn influential it's proven to be.

Managed to recreate the experience of playing the original game as a kid, so I'm satisfied. Has the best battle system in the FF series to boot.

Tifa/Aerith is the OTP.

Design is mostly boring and Mario feels bad to control. More of a theme park than a game.