Farewell is pretty fun. Detailed review to come when I get all of the golden berries.

Wall clinging doesn't lend itself to interesting level design in the way double jumping or wall jumping does, and so the game ends up feeling really repetitive, with almost every screen just being a variant of the same cycle-based design you've seen a million times already. Just play an IWBTG fangame instead.

Astoundingly awful level design. It actually made me appreciate the original Genesis games more in retrospect, so I guess that's something?

I'd say that Sega should have let Dimps keep making 2D Sonics, but given Sonic 4, maybe they wouldn't done much better...

Instant death pits and spikes are the only meaningful obstacles in any stage. Gets old fast.

Boring. Just play DKC2 again instead.

Pretty fun level design if you can look past the spiritual torment of playing a Ubisoft game.

Platinum's games suck, and this one is no exception.

Actually has some sort of personality, even if there are a bunch of annoying instant death QTEs. The minigame levels are much more fun than the combat.

Writing is pretty terrible, getting the true ending takes way too long. Soundtrack is good.

The best Zelda game. All of the 3D ones suck.

The only good Kirby game, but it's pretty good.

I've only watched raocow's LP of this game, but it's very charming and manages to say a lot with relatively few words. There's a rare sort of passion and sincerity on display here, and I'm glad Nippon Ichi was willing to provide a platform for a game like this.

I dislike classic Megaman, unfortunately.

I still don't like classic Megaman.