Base mechanics are solid, but the story is quite disappointing and clearly designed for people who haven't played a Touhou game since UFO came out. It might be fun as a game, but imo it sucks as Touhou fanservice... and that's what's really important, right?

Surprisingly good world design with a lot of fun platforming. The combat is dull and repetitive, though.

Doesn't really do anything that the first game already didn't. Has a lot of cloying retro game references for no reason.

Still the most beautiful game of all time and one of the best Metroidvanias, even after all this time.

The best post-SotN Castlevania. One of very few commercial games that actually has bosses which are both fun and challenging to fight.

Great production values, design kind of wears out its welcome as it goes on.

Not a bad game, per se, but you can really tell that it was originally developed in the 80s.

Production values are lacking compared to the commercial Igavanias, but it otherwise delivered what it promised to. A must-play for any Castlevania fan, but probably skippable otherwise.

More fun than I expected, but too easy to really be memorable.

Naramura Takumi is a genius. The best Metroidvania, and the best example of how to make the lore and backstory of a game relevant to the actual play experience.

Ugly as sin and annoying to navigate.

Anemic character writing, sappy plot. Still, Toby Fox is a pretty cool guy, and the soundtrack is great, so I can't say I hate it.

Basically a generic 3D action game with copy/pasted arena battles, just presented in first person. The encounter design feels incredibly arbitrary, the weapons aren't meaningfully different, and none of the monsters feel interesting to fight. I had more fun with the platforming than the combat.

(Disclaimer: I am not the target audience for this game; I've played very few FPSes to completion and actively dislike the way they control.)

Extremely influential precision platformer that still holds up. People probably expect me to have hot takes about this game but I honestly don't. The soundtrack is great.