(I beat akumajou densetsu though lmao the US release looks like a medieval torture device in video game form)

hey is anyone gonna stop me before i call kusabi a dilf

it'd be way too harsh for me to complain that this still outdoes every other third person shooter bc it had such an insane unsustainable dev cycle but god I still want to! even disregarding the ridiculous amount of ideas that went into every level of this thing, it's still proof of how far a good combat loop will get you

in fact there's so much good game design wisdom here, the games it inspired almost universally took steps to make the core gameplay more frictionless and less restrictive and ended up way less engaging and satisfying for it, I wouldn't change these controls for the world and if the remake does I'll be thoroughly disappointed

final point - thanks to said controls this game is fucking SCARY with headphones on and the volume up and I will stand by that forever, the sound design is neither subtle nor complex but it works so well to instill panic in players like me who don't like having shit behind them

wonderful little compelling mood piece & learning experience of a game <3 so addictive to slowly explore this world and use your own wits (HINT HINT PIKMIN 2!!!) to master your own arsenal. just enough stress to make things exciting and tense - i need to go back and do a full 30 part run because i just missed it by a day or two and i don't want to make myself suffer through the full final level & boss on day 30 lol. glad you can get the standard ending and give yourself a little wiggle room but i'm looking forward to getting the real one

started replaying these on a whim and honestly out of the original trilogy this was probably the one that bought me the most joy this time! such a cute little game, definitely not nearly as good as the others but super weird and cool nonetheless

This review contains spoilers

this was so frustrating and poorly paced at times that it nearly got me to sympathise with the WEAK people who complain about sh1/2's perfectly functional game design. thank god the imagery is super strong though, the first half had me convinced that this game wasn't going to push horror gaming's visual boundaries in the same way the earlier games do with 1's super tight cinematography and 2's uncanniness but then the fucking meat walls showed up and the screen got all fucked up and blurry and I was blown away in equal measure. absolutely ahead of its time in that regard and still better utilised than any modern steam horror game or w/e

also heather rules and is an icon. turns out her killing god and enjoying her blonde hair really do happen a few in-game minutes apart from each other? obsessed

dude what the fuck

EDIT: okay i just finished this with my bf bc he loves the first game and by the end we both shared this sentiment 😭 absolute fever dream of a game. just wildly incoherent the entire way through

gear steamer best castlevania boss of all time babey!!

HATE when the little freak jumps at me

(wanted to come back to this lil joke review after playing SCIV bc that game really makes me appreciate this one more. I think it's really easy to see why CV1 is such a thoroughly canonised part of the NES library, it's just effortlessly iconic and weirdly tasteful for what it is! I seriously think that HUD is one of the best and most underappreciated pieces of video game graphic design, and the little cinematic touches w/ stuff like the opening and level transition map are all just really solid and effective. game is legit gorgeous all the way through, and before it descends into "please just holy water cheese this" territory it's damn near perfectly designed)

i'm pretty sure i've put off errands for longer than it took them to make this game. legit masterpiece that i can't wait to play again once i'm done with fallout 1 and 2

it's a masterpiece!! we did it everyone we solved video games

definitely where sega's ethos for this series starts to come in properly, much more of a vibrant defined style than the original. i'm not doing death egg zone with no rings though lol i'd much rather move on to 3&k and cd!

it's such a revalation that samus' moveset actually provides a lot of room for creative and fun combat - the bosses are obviously the best part of this game imo and maybe the best they've ever been in this series? at least divorced from context, because that's where dread starts to falter a lot

there's like, zero atmosphere here imo, the soundtrack is completely unmemorable and it would probably take me a while to remember which zone is which. this is also, pardon the obvious joke, one of the least dread-inducing metroid games yet. everything is so compartmentalised and checkpoints are aplenty, I was pretty happy that the EMMI encounters felt pretty distant to me as I finished the game bc imo they're 100% garbage! not scary in the slightest, you can bash your head against each section where you encounter them until you trial and error your way through with little threat to your actual game progress, if I were a fucking hack I'd make a joke about "metroid mild annoyance" but I'm not gonna play that straight, I promise :]

game is a lot of fun though, especially on a 100% run! if mercurysteam keep at it then metroid should be in good hands, which is definitely not something I would've said after playing and subsequently dropping samus returns, I just hope their future efforts have a little more slow-burn tension, even if it means they need to tone the difficulty down

(also let me control the next one with the d-pad pleaseeeeeee I hate the analog stick and I don't think 360 degree aiming is worth using it exclusively for)

dude palamutes make me so mad!! you introduce a mechanic like wirebugs that perfectly expand the player's moveset without letting them get around too quickly and then put in a mount that's faster and more efficient anyway. and then make multiplayer hunts a chaotic mess because by default that mount will stay on the map and essentially double the player count if everyone brings one. awful design decisions all around even if i do like having a dog friend :(

i was really caught off guard by the amount of biblical references in this, but it's a really cool direction for the sparse dialogue to go in when the rest of the game is so rusted and cold

thank you so much for these human graphics minoru kusakabe, they are so good