Games I Will Force Hilda To Play

Everything but the first 43 games are very very bad and potentially offensive, but hildas must endure

A Date in the Park
A Date in the Park
Sex Life
Sex Life
Indigo Park
Indigo Park
A House for Alesa 3
A House for Alesa 3
May 31st 2024

Boy. Where do i begin. The constant references to alesas ass. The 15 second unskippable ass dance after every boss. The fact that there are bosses to begin with. Ass not even being called ass but constantly referred to as cake. Jokes about ass that dont even make any sense (gepetto? More like ge-ass to!). The constant, sad self references, desperately backing off the 'haters' for thinking youre weird for having your protagonist look like that. That it was funny before because it was serious but now it completely doesnt give a shit and is seriously perving over her fucking ass like its the most hilarious thing ever. Youtuber references. The ending. Why are there bosses. I cant even explain how bad the jokes are. Theyre not even jokes its just inserting the word ass or cake into words. Immature, self assassinating, sad.
A House for Alesa 2
A House for Alesa 2
May 30th 2023

Mr bob is hijacking the yuri car noo

At first i thought these were satirical and made by a woman cause the way these characters look are almost never referenced. And its the same in this game. But boy. You sure let us down, partner. I should of known with the yuri references.
The Room Tribute
The Room Tribute
A House for Alesa
A House for Alesa
May 27th
warning! greta is mentally unstable

warning! Dossow is a weirdo
June 1st

"This is giving me major My Girlfriend Beats Me or whatever vibes"
"This is giving me major idiot vibes"

Words of two wise prophets before the revelation
Hairy Trees Massacre
Hairy Trees Massacre
May 2024

"Dont judge a book by their cover" or so they say. sometimes this saying is right. sometimes the cover is so loud thag we drown out all other thoughts. i didnt expect her to do what she did. But she did it anyways despite the haters. she won where her father lost. shes here and he is not. she killed bigfoot and gave me.the courauge to go after a 'foot of my own. my back hurts. My eyes hurt
Eyeless Jack
Eyeless Jack
Played in may 2024

my borthar im sorry he has taken my kidney and killed my you but at least i have my awesome washcloth
Garten of Banban 7
Garten of Banban 7
May 13th 2024

OH.... MY... JOSH! talk about a HAPY ENDING! oppa bird and everyone is okay. Banbalina was CHEATING on banban with janjan. you just dont know who to trust nowadays. Im also addicted to cigarettes.
Webkinz Next
Webkinz Next
Please Answer Carefully
Please Answer Carefully
May 14th 2023





<- <- -> <--

... youve unlocked......

FEMALE !!!! Haaaahh haaaaaahhhh hah hah aaahhhhhh (awooga.)
A Proper Cup of Tea
A Proper Cup of Tea
Apex Heroines
Apex Heroines
April 5 2024

boobi my assistant. I got a coin.
Wipeout: The Game
Wipeout: The Game
Played at a point in may

she sucked sooo bad it was honestly embarrassing. the wolf girl, she could bounce me off a platform into some mud, if u catch my #drift
Buddy Simulator 1984
Buddy Simulator 1984
April 11 2024

Omg guys i just read the wikipedia page for bpd and i think i have an idea thatll finally make this undertale mario & luigi doki doki creepypastas club thing happen
Kitty Kart 64
Kitty Kart 64
Played march 29th 2024

They should of built up to the driving out of bound weathertenko mario 64 speedrun any percent glitchless abney27 summoningsalt luigi circuit blindfolded raimbow road 1flap canonless beat strats
Super Mario Bros. Peach's Adventure
Super Mario Bros. Peach's Adventure
played at some point in april

mario hack and hilda didnt let me see any of the images and she sucked really bad and played it.relly bad. iuuuuughhhhh
Pricolage: Idolized
Pricolage: Idolized
The Godfather
The Godfather
Introvert: A Teenager Simulator
Introvert: A Teenager Simulator
Tonyzaret video

Played 26th feb 2024

So... yeah. My furry girlfriend turned out to be an actually werewolf, but before we could get to first base this nerd in my class brought out a shotgun and threatened to shoot up the school! And i was like uhmmmm so that just happened??? I mean, who brings a SHOTGUN to a school shooting. Thats cringier than the time my teacher interrupted class to t pose! Anyways, that basically sums up my #awkwardsauce life
Silkbulb Test
Silkbulb Test
Closing at 2
Closing at 2
Revenge: Jane The Killer
Revenge: Jane The Killer
Feb 2024

JANE... SHEs gonna Kill Jeff and Kidnap his brother Its Time for the Sneaking section i zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Buckshot Roulette
Buckshot Roulette
Feb 2024

Hilda (depressed): if i played russian roulette i wouldnt be scared
Disappearance: Takeshi. You were right. That Abandoned Village is Too Bad
Disappearance: Takeshi. You were right. That Abandoned Village is Too Bad
Nowhere, MI
Nowhere, MI
Peeb Adventures
Peeb Adventures
Feb 11th 2024

My BROTHER.... my jeffrey flesh and dahmer blood.... you spared .me.......
Gamer Girl
Gamer Girl
I believe it will come out
Played 29th feb 2024

she killed her self. or not. its so #funny and #crazey when girls jump off roofs. apathy is the best approach to this situation. after all why should i distrust someone with such a strong hand on the pulse of the mentally disturbed. YOU go crazy.
Paranoiac: Remake Version
Paranoiac: Remake Version
Feb 2024

Depression... i.... makeing me CRAZY... i.... a CRAZY PERSON. i SEE things. Yea, thats not NORMAL. my mom? Hates me. Her hysteria. But i. I love her. Because.... shes CRAZY too. Were all CRAZY. We are Crazy.
The Tongue of Doge
The Tongue of Doge
Under the Witch: Beginnings
Under the Witch: Beginnings
Feb 10th 2024

skip the fart scene?
Mermaid Swamp
Mermaid Swamp
Feb 10th 2024

Marble Maid
Marble Maid
Feb 1st

The long lasted emotional struggle between wanting to play monkey ball, and masturbate. finally solved. Thanks man.
Yeah! Fighting Girl
Yeah! Fighting Girl
Jan 15th 2024

Artorias: The abyss is consuming me. i can hardly put up a fight anymore, I can feel its way clawing through my body... I can only hope for a swift end.

Debt Collector LuLu Bear: girl! You better put up a fight or i will sell you to goblins! Now do a sexy 13,000 dollar dance.
Its Snowing
Its Snowing
Played at a point in january 2024

okay guys. so, you might think my itchio game is normal, but actually when you walk outside youll notice something wacky. Thats right, SHOES. on the ground! Ok, so thats crazy. But it wasnt crazy enough. My house? Its freaky. I go in there, and theres blood on the walls and shit! It wasnt there before oooo. But i'll go further. Freaky fucking jpg! Now youre really freaked. I cant stop myself guys.... SLAVERY. oh yeah, now thats scary.
Spirit Hunter: Death Mark II
Spirit Hunter: Death Mark II
Boobs Saga
Boobs Saga
Jan 12th 2024

This game LIED on its steam store page and it isnt even close to being as cool as honey select or my FAVORITE GAME Live Stream One AND Two and it was STUPID and I hated it and it was really, really, very, bad. You ARE responsible. Dont even lie to me
Shinrai: Broken Beyond Despair
Shinrai: Broken Beyond Despair
Hololive Horror
Jan 1st 2024

sees magnifying glass on the floor
oh! its magifying glass breasts giggle this is so good chat we only need 2 more! turns around
scary girl
Five Night At Lego World
Five Night At Lego World
Jan 1st 2024

Oh my god. I almoast lego'd all over the floor. oh my god
Fears to Fathom: Ironbark Lookout
Fears to Fathom: Ironbark Lookout
Dec 27th

REDDIT, AITA? i (24) was driving along, in my chungus climplets RV when i decided to stop at a diner. I went in, greeted the waitress (tipped her 50%) and then remembered: i always pees bwfore i ate! So i (24) went to the batgroom. Now, i looked at the sink twice and it distracted me so bad i forgot to close the dungus door! But i already had my pants down, and the disfunction of the sink and the door caused me to just let my urine loose all over the floor. Now, i tipped 50%, so Reddit, aita for pissing on the floor? By the way i LOVE jackspectic eye and i cant women (except sister)
Frogger's Adventures: Temple of the Frog
Frogger's Adventures: Temple of the Frog
Jan 11th

We are gathered here today to remember our dear friend, Frogger. This tombstone is for one half of him. And this tombstone, the other. For he was split in two by a spike machine. May D carry his soul to another plane. Amen.
The Exit 8
The Exit 8
December 28th

postar. uh oh. freeky....
normal in my hallway
im so excited to get out of this hallway! by goodness, im almost there!
oh... my word. i wish there was a beautiful closet woman to comfort me. but that would never happen.
Beat Refle
Beat Refle
2024 February

uhhh.... ahhh.... shee was standing there, ass in her hair. without a care.
The Future You've Been Dreaming Of
The Future You've Been Dreaming Of
Dec 22nd

She masturbated her ankles. this god damn clutz. cant do anything right.
Livestream 2: Escape from Togaezuka Happy Place
Livestream 2: Escape from Togaezuka Happy Place
Livestream: Escape from Hotel Izanami
Livestream: Escape from Hotel Izanami

the standards are below. average. wheres the bouncy bloobie babes? What might i laugh at, soured my mood did the gameplay. This girl walking so slowly. Cant lift cement off a floor. Such what is the point. Hair pussy? I dont even care.
Last Light
Last Light
The Casting of Frank Stone
The Casting of Frank Stone
Hilda and the Tower of Lust
Hilda and the Tower of Lust
Played feb 1st

Please reach level 5 in Boobs and Being Licked to access this review
McDonald's Original: Happy Disc
McDonald's Original: Happy Disc
Oppai Academy Big, Bouncy, Booby Babes!
Oppai Academy Big, Bouncy, Booby Babes!
Dec 8th:

She was right! It wasnt funny! Why didnt we listen to her... i gotta shake my hips out of here! Waiter! Check please!
MythBusters: The Game
MythBusters: The Game
Played dec 10th

uh... the grenade exploded and... uh...myth busted! soo... time to... buy stuff from my own warehouse... maybe.... i think.....where am i..
Case of the Mysterious Death of Keiko Haraeda
Case of the Mysterious Death of Keiko Haraeda
Played september 11th 2001

asshole game
Honey Select 2: Libido DX
Honey Select 2: Libido DX
played dec 8th

flight 747, ready and waiting for takeoff. Oh just kidding i cant have gay DEMON sex with my clothes on. Worst experience of my life, me and my hot pants are out.
Stray Souls
Stray Souls
Dec 6th

ok bye martha.
This Bed We Made
This Bed We Made
Hamtaro: Ham-Ham Games
Hamtaro: Ham-Ham Games
November 30th

I dont know if this was the one but hamtaro did a lot and spoke a lot and played dress up

This is 200th game for 200 hams
Breaking Bad DS
Breaking Bad DS
Played november 30th

Failed quota. Sucked so hard. Skipped tutorial. Walteer
RuPaul's Drag Race Superstar
RuPaul's Drag Race Superstar
Dec 10th

Howling Village: Echoes
Howling Village: Echoes
Dec 3rd

The quest for a hottie babe comes to an end. Dog people and obsessions with dog people have never been more enthralling. But were the dog people ever real? Perhaps we imagined it..... oh darn, im on fire.....
Nov 30th

When thaaaaa anhhhhhh ahhhhhhhhhhh ahaaaaa ahmmmmm impaaaaaahhh ahhhhhhaahhhhhhhhhh hahaaaahhh aaaahhhhhhhimpostarhhhhhhhhh 11 of them. 80 speed.
Savior of the Abyss
Savior of the Abyss
Dec 10th

Neighbors were yelling the whole time so i was focusing on them to make sure there was not a killer around and abound. She got eaten, by a door. Didnt save anything! what!
Quest for Moomoo
Quest for Moomoo
Played december 1st

so sloppy and empty. hated this, dont lead me on with an image of a cow.
Godzilla Unleashed: Double Smash
Godzilla Unleashed: Double Smash
Skull Island: Rise of Kong
Skull Island: Rise of Kong
My Dear Brother Jeff
My Dear Brother Jeff
Played october 20th

my dear brother jeff you were in a hospital. Many laughs at your expense, tearfully tearing eyes away from boobs to finish your game. the struggles i had trying to make hilda finish this. the desperate search for distraction. jajaja

An amendment:
Finally we can understand the story of Jeffrey dahmer the killer. His mommy go crazy and is no importance. Go away. Less boobs this time but more bad words and a slur
The Quarry
The Quarry
October 18th:

They had the gall to wrangle together a game that couldnt even take itself seriously for half a second with zero atmosphere and no redeeming qualities and even still they had the audacity to make a joke of the Andes rugby team mountain crash. Also, werewolves? Wolves? No... just generic gmod creatures... absolute puke.

A man cut off his arm- dramatic action. Zero gravity. Also, he would die. From shock. I wish he did.
Vampire Hunter D
Vampire Hunter D
Dec 10th

This is my favorite game!
Dear Red: Extended
Dear Red: Extended
Dec 2nd

Good Job!
Good Job!
Played october 11th

oh my lady, clantly boobed. Unfortunately, was your voice not annoyin. how sad.
Dead Dreams
Dead Dreams
Played october 20th

jeff exhaustion. jeff nialhism. all these glicthes and errors. Shes the irate gamer.
Birthday Kid
Birthday Kid
Played october 31st

umm... weird. my dirty dishes and flith rags are stinking more than usual. i do believe the brick of self defense will not come in handy here... the case of the killer with mental illness has yet to come to a close.
Nira Oni
Nira Oni
Played october 11th

they did surgery on an oni, make him scarier. but this was botched. Shout out to RYAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Moon Whistle
Moon Whistle
Oppai Academy Big, Bouncy, Booby Babes!
Oppai Academy Big, Bouncy, Booby Babes!
Oh my god i hope i pass boob school

(She dropped out! what a fool! forgot this was here too, now its twice.)
3 Billion Dreams for a Forgiveness Machine
3 Billion Dreams for a Forgiveness Machine
Garten of Banban 6
Garten of Banban 6
Dec 25th

This isnt funny any longer
sad, sad tears of a clown.
whirlpool of
hildas, deflated
emptied of joy
button puzzle
Garten of Banban 5
Garten of Banban 5
Suzuki Bakuhatsu
Suzuki Bakuhatsu
Ore ga Omae wo Mamoru
Ore ga Omae wo Mamoru
"Metroidvania for girls"

Dec 12

thaat was not for girls. I dont know who we were protecting. It obviously wasnt me.
Sentimental Death Loop
Sentimental Death Loop
Played september 23rd

Oh my god that lady has ber underwear out quickly put the batteries in the remote zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz oh it was friendship.
Taboo Trial
Taboo Trial
Played september 21st

Sprints at 80 miles per hour and slaps you in the face face with my unbearably huge fucking knockers. Only one aerola.
Jan 7th 2024

that guys arm is soo funny aha theres a frog ahha zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
ah aha hey wheres the game
Pet in TV
Pet in TV
Zero: Tsukihami no Kamen
Zero: Tsukihami no Kamen


1 year ago

Sonic Blast for the Game Gear

1 year ago

TaleSpin for the Genesis, Wrath of the Black Manta, Mr. Bones.

1 year ago

@BEAUTIFULBRUTE wtf CURS.... I'm unfollowing till we get an indepth, 13 paragraph critical analysis of Barbie secret agent :P added!

@Weatherby added! Though Mr Bones is a masterpiece that doesn't deserve to be put on here next to dramatical murder

1 year ago

My hair is going to go grey by 30

1 year ago

Sorry but I think Mr. Bones is one of the worst games I've played on the Saturn. Although it is very conceptually Interesting.

W... what's wrong with grey hair by 30...? : (
I don't know how to feel about knowing somebody else is being forced to play dramatical murder like i am later this year

1 year ago

Different TaleSpin btw. That's one of those ones where there's a mess of entries with the same name but they're all different.

1 year ago

@Weatherby Grey hair is fuckin awesome but the stress I will be put under to get it by 30 is less awesome

1 year ago

@appreciations I'm so sorry to hear that we can form a comradery in losing our dignity
@Hilda: Solidarity in whatever madness that game is going to be, lmao. Godspeed.
+ Cat Go! ultimate challenge
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand Ghost Master >:)

1 year ago

@appreciations dmmd is my nuke, the bad game to end all games. Admittedly I did play this as an child who probably shouldn't of been looking at this stuff. I'm not sure either of us can survive playing this one.

@CURS NOOO barbie... how could you...? One sliding block puzzle is way more bearable than 50, however.

@Weatherby why are there so many talespins, I just assumed they were all the same game lmao. Also you're probably right about Mr Bones but I respect what they were going for.
oh & of course Spice World but it's good i promise.................

1 year ago

@hilda nothing can possibly be worse than the devil in me, even reading about aoba's hair nerves

@BEAUTIFULBRUTE cat go sounds promising (:< thank you !

1 year ago

Oh my god what is spice world. How have i not heard of this...we have to play this immediately.
that's the right cat go!
we'll all have matching spice world pfps by the end of this

1 year ago

Oh my god that's where your pfp is from... it's all coming together. If I wasnt so attached to this leaf cat id match with you in a heartbeat

1 year ago

@Hilda this work if yes enjoy your badge

1 year ago

@moschidae I'm still not playing alvin and the chipmunks

1 year ago

No dmmd? No alvin and the chipmunks: chipwrecked for the Nintendo wii and xbox 360? And I called you my friend....

1 year ago

dmmd will come later...

8 months ago

Who the fuck is Hilda and why would you force her ti olay It's My Birthday on the Wii 😭

8 months ago

@PeterGabriel hilda is my friend and trust me its my birthday is the least offendable thing on this list lol. Theres quite a bit of competition for title of the worst game when youre sandwiched between mr beans wacky world and the creepy syndrome

Last updated: