atlus’s answer to final fantasy X. an SMT game without monster collecting, more akin to a standard party based JRPG. in spite of this, freeform gameplay and character building are still present. damaged by some odd design choices and inconsistent level design. interesting plot that only gets weirder in the sequel.

much like every score by shoji meguro, killer soundtrack.

improbably stellar remake of an already great game. the morning star of the capcom comeback. play it now.

interesting plot ruined by the most boring gameplay known to man. read the synopsis and be done with this. eternal punishment is the exact same.

pure masculinity. a game by the bros, for the bros. excellent, fluid, and impactful gameplay by the ever talented team ninja. one of the best action games of the last 10 years

ghost ship movie game with coop. great to play with a friend, horrible by yourself. ok story ruined by an absolutely awful twist.

for better or worse, it’s dragon quest.

for better or worse, it’s dragon quest.

obscenely difficult puzzle game with an emotionally impactful story and well written characters.

i once saw another reviewer describe the plot as “a gentle yet firm reminder that you can’t stay in the waiting room forever.” i have nothing to add other than agreement.

this game rules, big time. neither superior or inferior to the original, a completely new experience that is a worthy companion piece to the original game.

for better or worse, it’s dragon quest.

perhaps one of the most elusive megaten titles. i have now played it with proper rendering thanks to advances made in virtual boy emulation on the 3ds. it sucks

one of the best coop games ever, and proof josef fares understands the medium as well as someone like kojima. a must play with your best buddy.

without question the most overrated game of all time. almost nothing in this game has aged well. in spite of this, still quite fun. play the 3DS version for a more consistent framerate & better controls.

for better or worse, it’s dragon quest.

arthouse darling of video games. unique gameplay with a great atmosphere. almost impossible to accurately rate, as your mileage will vary depending on your tolerance for weird shit.