a fantastic game in a great series that unfortunately has had a maligning influence on video game development since it’s release. still a must play title.

serviceable platformer that is also an escort quest. maybe the best game with yoshi as the protagonist.

direct sequel to yakuza 7, with a greatly improved combat system. jampacked with content, nearly too much. weaker and less focused story than its predecessor. still, a wonderful experience.

this game is a great introduction to the broader SMT series and an excellent JRPG in its own right. avoids many of the common pitfalls seen in japanese media and manages to weave a narrative that is simultaneously esoteric and human.

EXTREMELY dialogue heavy.

the best this series has to offer. extremely well paced battle system, addictive monster collecting, and a wonderful abstract & thought provoking narrative handled with surprising grace by the usually verbose japanese. must play.

vastly improved shooting over uncharted 4. somewhat interesting narrative ruined by a less than stellar ending. compelling characters. WARNING: typical california nihilism pervades the story.

nice happy game. outclassed by persona 5 in almost everything, but still worth a play. much worse combat than the 5th entry.

to dismiss this game as a "walking sim" is to betray your intellectual ignorance. one of the most important video games since journey. perhaps in time we will all be kinder to each other.

excellent game with wonderful sprite work. interesting story dealing with the dangers of extremism and its destructive influence on friendships. arguably more important to play now than ever.

a step down from resident evil 4. co-op heavily recommended, bad AI partner otherwise. great game to play with a buddy.

a better version of final fantasy III with a somewhat basic but still interesting plot. noteworthy for having the best gameplay loop of any classic final fantasy. best played emulated.

quake 3 arena for modern machines. evergreen gameplay. if you don't know quake, i can't help you.

the last great battlefield game. well designed maps, good art direction, exhilarating gameplay. may be remembered as the best in the series in years to come.

the best soulslike not made by from software. ridiculously fun combat and weapon mechanics. great atmosphere. decent soundtrack. we can only hope this dev releases more copycat titles.

one of the best action rpgs of all time disguised as mickey mouse nonsense. best experienced on the hardest difficulty.