a better version of final fantasy III with a somewhat basic but still interesting plot. noteworthy for having the best gameplay loop of any classic final fantasy. best played emulated.

masterpiece. perfectly paced & flawlessly designed with an influence on the medium that can only be described as all encompassing. play it.

immensely overrated. occasionally fun, mostly tedious. only for fans of old school JRPGs or the broader SMT series. may return at some point but i think ive tapped out all the fun i can from this one.

killer point and click adventure title. wonderful story, compelling characters, and sensible puzzle solutions. great to play in bed or on the go.

quake 3 arena for modern machines. evergreen gameplay. if you don't know quake, i can't help you.

a decent jrpg with a wonderful crafting system and fun, easy to break combat. dumb characters, dumber plot. you can skip the original release in favor of this remake.

very pretty game visually.

troll project by performance artist richard la ruina. never enlightening, often hysterical. get it for $10 or less.

the last great battlefield game. well designed maps, good art direction, exhilarating gameplay. may be remembered as the best in the series in years to come.

the best soulslike not made by from software. ridiculously fun combat and weapon mechanics. great atmosphere. decent soundtrack. we can only hope this dev releases more copycat titles.

a decent soulslike marred by the worst level design known to man. boring characters and world. bad atmosphere. play it ONLY if you've beaten every fromsoft game and lies of p and you MUST play another one.

one of the best action rpgs of all time disguised as mickey mouse nonsense. best experienced on the hardest difficulty.

atlus’s answer to final fantasy X. an SMT game without monster collecting, more akin to a standard party based JRPG. in spite of this, freeform gameplay and character building are still present. damaged by some odd design choices and inconsistent level design. interesting plot that only gets weirder in the sequel.

much like every score by shoji meguro, killer soundtrack.

arthouse darling of video games. unique gameplay with a great atmosphere. almost impossible to accurately rate, as your mileage will vary depending on your tolerance for weird shit.

without question the most overrated game of all time. almost nothing in this game has aged well. in spite of this, still quite fun. play the 3DS version for a more consistent framerate & better controls.

improbably stellar remake of an already great game. the morning star of the capcom comeback. play it now.