I had such high hopes for this game only to be completely disappointed.
It started incredibly well for me but just went downhill after maybe the first 8 hours. Horrible pacing, terrible side-quests, inexistent characters (minus two or three). It had so much potential, the setting is great and the combat is pretty ok too but then it goes nowhere.
By the end I was dreading my time with FFXVI, trying to finish it only to get more and more filler and random encounters that frustrated me more.
It had VERY HIGH highs, but as the game drags on it goes from excellent to just mediocre.

Pikmin 4 made me smile throughout my entire 32 hours run. I loved every single aspect of it. It has been the most fun I've had with games this year ♥

I was pretty hyped to play it. Got through the first 5-6 hours and decided to abandon it, as the battles felt always the same and the story, characters and overall themes were boring. Everyone was praising the music but in the hours I had with it, I didn't hear any memorable song. I don't hate this game at all, is just that I was expecting to be blown away.

Loved it! I'm not a fan of super hero stuff, but the first game made me a fan of Spiderman. This one was even better for me, it was everything I wanted out of an action open world game. The perfect length, great activities, utterly amazing action pieces, great characters, etc. It was very very entertaining ♥

I can't really recommend it. 80% of the game is slow and boring, feeling like a downgraded version of Danganronpa. The last 20% is great and interesting, but it really takes like 18 hours to get to that point :(

It's great at the beginning but really REALLY overstays its welcome, drags and gets boring

I really liked Gwendolyn's story and gameplay, but couldn't really do that for four more characters in 40ish hours of the game. I ended up watching the whole story through YouTube and it was just ok.

I really liked it! It was more of a slow burner than Oxenfree 1, but by the end the story and characters were pretty amazing too. The ending could’ve been more dramatic and extreme - specially with one character - but it was still great. New cast is as lovable as the first.

Beautiful, doing so much with so little.

It was everything I wanted and more. The one thing I didn’t like in BotW was the story, but now that TotK builds on that I love them both. This is my favorite incarnation of Zelda as a character and I couldn’t have been more hyped about seeing what was going to happen next. This game was pure fun.

I’m not the biggest platformer fan but boy this was super fun in online multiplayer. Thank you to everyone who helped me get the hidden thingies <3

Thoughts after playing Part 1:
This was my second time playing the game, as I did so before when fans translated it for 3DS. I liked it better than last time, but it still felt like a big (and very long) intro to Part 2, which makes the game not really function as a standalone thing.

Thoughts after playing Part 2:
The story in this game is amazing, but it really suffer from the cast of characters not being loveable enough. Don't get me wrong, I really like the main for (Ryunosuke, Susato, Sholmes and Iris), but they have almost zero connection to the bigger plot, specially for Ryunosuke and Susato. Everything revolves around Kazuma or Barok and I don't really care a lot for them. This could have been way bigger if there was any kind of emotional toll on the player (as it did in Trials & Tribulations and other games).
I still really liked it (minus horrible pacing or stalling mechanics like the jury), it may be my top 2, 3, or 4; for sure not top 1.

Loved it, but really wished it was way way way way longer. It can take you maybe an hour to finish everything with zero replay value.


I loved the game until the combat got utterly unfair out of nowhere (basically since Quarry). I felt forced to use the accessibility feature to survive horrible fights and that just broke my spirit with the game.
End-game puzzles looked fun on YouTube but they felt badly hinted.

As beautiful and interesting as when I first played it eons ago on DS.