it was alright, art was really cool and music was good but honestly the gameplay was boring as shit. sorry Irem

amazing visual novel game and a really good introduction to Suda51's theme "KILL THE PAST"
great characters, unforgettable music, striking visuals and a twisted story that catches you in it like a tornado.

this game got me into resident evil

i like that segment that copies alien alot
i also like dodging nemesis its very fun

"Not gonna die," my ass. That bitch slap nearly killed me.

when i was little this game was a horror game

the perfect game. unrivaled and unwavering in the market of all other games, A Moustache in the House is the most amazing game of all time. The developer, a true master in his craft, shows you what could happen, if, there was a Moustache, in your quarters of living. Just imagine; the safe space that you feel comfortable calling "home" was breached and terrorized by the evil Moustache. Now, embark on a journey after this. An unpredictable adventure with twists and turns, ups and downs... There's only so much i can say about this game without spoiling it, so here I go in saying... Please play this game. No, in fact, you must play this game. Truly a masterclass in video game design.

man this game was so fucking frustrating but i loved it. if the gameplay didnt piss me off so much, i would've held this game closer to me.. The story is so good and classic, the music is awesome, the characters, the graphics, the level design JUST UGH EVERYTHING BUT THE GAMEPLAY MAN.

this game rattles my bones real good

i didnt know i could dodge until i was at the 2nd nelo angelo fight