from a gameplay prespective this isnt very good
but this game has hot demon girls in suits sooooooo

the best way to play sonic 3k right now
please ignore sonic origins existence and play this instead

the best thing about this game is the soundtrack; its got a lot a variety and is consistently fun to listen to
lame as all hell 2d platforming tends to dominate this one, sadly
wisps are a great idea that are used mostly well but they arent really enough to elevate this game to be anything more than an ok game and a really lame sonic game

its a consistenly fun romp but no level really stands out as amazing apart from chemical plant really
also the finale sucks

really everything in this game feels like a combo meal of mario but like in space but also with an extremely good orchestral soundtrack and several moments of bombastic spectale
some level ideas are lamer than others, the prankster comets are boring filler most of the time and the new game plus is really poorly implmented, but mostly this is probably my personal favourtite mario game.

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tldr; maybe worse than galaxy because of its map structure and lack of bombastic moments, but the level design is slightly more consistent so idk

this one removes a lot of what the original galaxy appealing and it tries really hard to compensate with its level design.
the power ups are better, and most of the stages are more satisfying but its terrible map structure forces you to play a lot of its worse missions to pass a star gate and it lacks a lot of galaxy 1's cinematic flair.
i guess overall gameplay wise its better than the original, but ill say the original was much better as a complete package while this one only really focuses on a couple things and is weaker for it
the final level is amazing though, holy hell

feels like foreshadowing for some new open ended mario game

the greatest videogame to ever exist actually

pretty much the perfect first metroid game
really fast paced and just really good in general
not really much to say but i like it a bunch

this is a really weird game for me
like on one hand its got a lot of really awesome bits and music and set pieces
like hydrocity for example is probably my favourite classic sonic level ever
but like also
its really annoying in specific parts (carnival night, marble garden) and that kind of holds it back a lot
its the best of the original trilogy, and while mania is probably better, i still kind of prefer this game over it anyways because
feelings are weird

im not finished yet but the way pokemon battling is implemented in this game fixes all my issues with official pokemon game battles, its insane