this game is like a pack of hot chips- it doesnt last long but it has a really spicy edge that keeps me coming back. the best out of the shovel knight saga for sure, and specter knight's design appeals to me probably way too much

the amount of squandered potential is insane here- especially with city trial- which could have been as good as everyone actually said it was if it had a more detailed map

tldr: an amazing story with wonderful characters also has excellent gameplay, really well done voice acting and a slew of fun meaningful extra content. its only issues is the way difficulty is handled and that the beginning is kind of hard to get through on replay.

the main story is a rollercoaster joyride
although the actual narrative takes a bit to get really interesting, the characters are amazing from the start. i love dark pit, palutena, viridi, pit and hades so so much and their interacts bring me nothing but joy. and once the narrative gets going, you get both a compelling story and wonderful characters--something rarely seen outside a typical turn based rpg

and the gameplay itself is really good too! the shooting half is like a really cinematic starfox, with specific music tracks tailor made for specific parts of the level that takes full advantage of the fact that you are on rails. the ground segments are brilliant too, but not all of them are amazingly designed all of the time unfortunately

this is one of the most complete videogames ever, because of the sheer amount of meaningful content- on top of the brilliant story mode, there's sakurai's signature challenge boards (three of them!), smash trophies, weapon collection, AND an amazing online multiplayer mode as well.
but when it comes to flaws, ive got a few words-
-replayability is really bolstered by the sheer variety of weapons and weapon types- but also hurt by the fact that hearing the same voice lines over and over again can get really frustrating
-the way difficulty is handled really irks me. i hate that death makes the game easier. i really just want to play entire level at one fixed difficulty, but the game wont let me
-the beginning ten chapters are the worst parts of the game and are a bit of a drag on replay
-bosses are also hurt by the difficulty problem
-controls dont bother me but they really bother others- especially people who are left handed
but besides these things this might be my favourite videogame but also not really but also maybe?
idk but i love it a whole lot

this game has the sharpest writing out of any game i've ever played

Project restoration really transforms a mediocre remake into something really special, I couldn’t recommend it enough

its easy and short but man does this game have the best special stage system out of any sonic game, official or not

the best mega man and I still couldn’t finish it
yeah it’s rlly not for me

this was my first pikmin game and i enjoyed it a lot!
but i did have a bit of a tough time adjusting and the game only fully gelled with me once i got the hang of go here at the second visit to the garden of hope which was probably a little too late lol
this is definetly one of these games that demands replays, and im really excited to play this game again and finish it in less then 23 days this time
on to pikmin 4, or at least i will get to it once i can afford it haha

wonder effects good
also the double jump badge is ten times better than all the rest of them

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katana zero is game that’s constructed from top to bottom (at least from a gameplay perspective) to be the coolest thing you’ve ever seen. every enemy dies in one hit from your katana, exploding into a bloody mess in a way that’s incredibly satisfying-and every room is designed as somewhat of a “murder playground” for the player. you’re given a variety of tools and ways to take out enemies (time stopping, bullet deflecting and item throwing being the main ones) and you’re encouraged to clear the level in the most badass way you can think of and it’s absolutely amazing-for a while at least. towards the end this formula began to wear a little thin for me due to getting a bit repetitive but at that point I was invested in the game’s surprisingly morbid and depressing storyline. the thing that really annoyed me is that the game is cut short hair with an ending that is incredibly unsatisfactory and I didn’t believe was supposed to be the actual end. this combined with the lack of interesting change in gameplay soured the experience a bit, but overall I really enjoyed this one

think sonic colours but with better use of the wisps better gameplay more replayablity less filler and in general just more fun and youve got colours ds

sonic heroes is one massive paradox; the controls for the characters are terrible and unfun, the level design forces you to engage in a lot of mind numbing combat and you cant even spindash or do anything fun or creative with sonic at all. and yet somehow it still manages to be a (somewhat) fun experience, thanks to having mostly solid level design and some of the best locales in the entire series. uh. ive only played team sonic's story though. should i even be logging this

its got very awkward controls, really wonky combat and a couple of enemies that are really really annoying, but like also. its super metroid. everyone knows what makes this game so good. its got incredibly fun upgrades and a very well realised lived in world with its expansive brilliantly designed map, but what i feel defines this game today is a collection of incredibly memorable victorious gameplay moments, how creative you can get with samus's moveset and its absolutely amazing atmosphere that permeates every step of your journey through zebes. apart from the already mentioned flaws and a slightly dissappointing finale, its very well deserving of its status as one of the greats i think

very very funny and short
go play it rn its great

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persona 3 is incredibly thematically dense. it goes all out guns blazing, investing nearly every fibre of its being into expressing its overarching theme of death, and how our short time on planet earth means we need to cherish our time with the people we love for as long as we have them. from a storytelling perspective, persona 3 is one of the best videogames i have ever played. those characters and their struggles will stick with me for a long, long time.

but its gameplay really really irks me. its combat systems works wonders for bosses, but it really falls apart during regular enemy encounters, which often come down to fufilling the terms needed for an all out attack and then the enemy dies, rinse and repeat. ad nauseam. this makes tartarus a total slog to get through unfortunately, and it makes up the majority of the game's rpg side

the social links are hit and miss. the sun and hanged man were my favourite non party member links, the sun especially because it might as well be the game's whole message distilled into one side story, and its wonderful.
however, a lot of the other ones are more frustrating, either due to the characters themselves being terrible (nozomi, kenji) or the game forcing you to encourage their bad habits in order to progress the links (kazushi, hidetoshi). not to mention the fact that you have no choice but to date every girl that you have a link with, which of course triggers a jealousy mechanic and in general makes female sls a pain in the ass to do, which sucks because they tend to be really fun otherwise. also, male party members not having links is a fucking crime against humanity and i still think its the most baffling thing about this game today. i did love aigis's sl the most though. it was wonderful and super sweet

the finale is kickass in every sense of the word. i dont care that its cliche, the power of friendship is wonderful nearly everytime i see it used, in any piece of media. if i had any final complaints though, its that i wish i could have spent more time with sees as a whole. the whole sushi disscussion at the moonlight bridge is one of my fave scenes in the game and i wish there was more moments like it

but to tie this mess of a review together, persona 3 is a game i like a lot. its incredibly special, but also supremely flawed at the same time. as a result, i dont think i will ever revisit persona 3 (or at least, not this version) but, for all its issues, it was still an unforgettable experience

i am excited beyond belief to see what the other games in the series have to offer. That's 1/3 in the Modern Persona Binge!