Sight & Sound list but for Video Games but it also needs to be like the actual Sight & Sound list

Nothing here!

Super Mario 64
Super Mario 64
10. Singin' in the Rain - a bouncy work about physical movement and the shift from one era of a medium to the next


9. Man with a Movie Camera - a landmark of abstract Russian art early in the medium's history, revolutionizing fundamentals of pacing and audience engagement


Silent Hill 3
Silent Hill 3
8. Mulholland Drive - a blonde woman navigates a town made of nightmares


Disco Elysium
Disco Elysium
7. Beau travail - a rich literary-inspired work on colonialism, masculine repression, homoeroticism, and militaristic hierarchies, set across gorgeously bleak landscapes and featuring the best dance sequence in the medium's history


Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty
Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty
6. 2001: A Space Odyssey - cemented its director's place as the popular example of an auteur in a highly collaborative medium, draws bold links across human history to reflect on the relationship between humanity and technology, maintains a dorm room reputation for being mind-blowing well after its debut


Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
5. In The Mood For Love - two well dressed people talking to each other, and their love that can never be


Boku no Natsuyasumi
Boku no Natsuyasumi
4. Tokyo Story - a Japanese reflection on familial relations and generational difference, subtly emotional with judicious camerawork


3. Citizen Kane - a sea change moment of young American authors breaking conventions and establishing new ones, pissing off right wingers and becoming a touchstone for conversations about the Greatest Of All Time


Alfred Hitchcock: Vertigo
Alfred Hitchcock: Vertigo
2. Vertigo - simple as


The Sims
The Sims
1. Jeanne Dielman, 23 quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles - destined to piss off Canon Worshippers by taking a number one spot it has a fair claim to, a radical depiction of domesticity and its isolating routines that inevitably concludes with murder



1 year ago

I feel like using a film adaptation of Vertigo as the entry betrays the spirit of this exercise, but otherwise very cool!

1 year ago

Alright alright if you want a serious pick for Vertigo I'll say Ocarina of Time: another common pick for GOAT but one more people like to argue over not holding up well or being boring, about the folly of trying to perfectly manipulate time and people to get what you want, twisty and features two drops from great heights early and late in the runtime (Deku Tree and Shadow Temple)

1 year ago

a gift from the magi themselves

1 year ago

This is so delightful

1 year ago

genius shit

1 year ago

The MGS2 one is perfect. Especially with how much Kojima loves that movie.

1 year ago


1 year ago

would you be interested in including this as a ballot in this master list located here? if you wanted to make a separate ballot outside of the restrictions of matching movies from the real list, that's fine too!

1 year ago

Pangburn: didn't intend to pitch this list as a genuine S&S ballot and I'll pass on making one, just don't feel I've played enough to weigh in. Thanks though, I'm interested to see what results you get!

1 year ago

no worries!

1 year ago

I'm in awe at how perfect this is

1 year ago

1. The Sims: Jerry Lewis' The Ladies Man. A dollhouse where you observe a strange gaggle of folks babbling through a parody of American domesticity.
2. Alfred Hitchcock's Vertigo: The Killers [1946]. Ostensibly an adaptation trading on prestige borrowed from a creator in a more prestigious medium, it actually has almost nothing to do with the original material and fills itself out with generic noirish intrigue.
3. Doom [1993] - Predator. A compelling mix of action and horror and sci-fi admired even by sophisticates as a lunkhead classic.
4. Boku no Natsuyasumi - Good Morning. Ozu is certainly the right director, but Tokyo Story is his movie most specifically about the elderly.
5. Pheonix Wright: Ace Attorney - My Cousin Vinnie. Colorful characters make a comic wreckage of the legal system. Our lead defense attorney ultimately relies on the input of his non-lawyer lady companion to win the day in court.
6. Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty - The Boys From Brazil [1978]. A paranoid conspiracy spy thriller with massive political overtones preoccupied with genetics and cloning. Alternatively, Tribulation 99.
7. Disco Elysium - Bande à part. Equally concerned with exploring communism and noir cliches, ultimately the work's pleasures to the audience is hanging out with its characters off on their tangential sidequests. There's a big shootout at the end and a memorable musical sequence.
8. Silent Hill 3 - Carnival Of Souls. A blonde woman navigates an unreal realm made of nightmares
9. Tetris - Synchromy. A completely abstract but charming, accessible, and fun work about the language and sounds of computers that gets more intense and fast as it progresses.
10. Super Mario 64 - The Shining. An exploration of spatially incoherent haunted architecture, famously picked-over by obsessive fans for decades. (Credit to my pal @mamylon for this one.)

1 year ago

Bruh this is perfect

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