this is honestly an insane game. pretty simple gameplay but the visuals and story really bring this to life. a lot of the characters are so sick too. a very unique experience

still holds up extremely well. playing this shows exactly why it became revolutionary to the fps genre and as popular as it was.

a real classic. improves upon the first game in so many ways. love how interesting the story is in this and playing as the arbiter works extremely well. level design probably isn't as strong but some of the missions are so sick that it makes up for it. honestly impressive that they managed to go above the extremely high bar that they set with the previous game.

it's funny that being the biggest halo 3 fanboy as a kid, i hated this game because it wasn't halo 3: the sequel. coming back and trying this again 14 years later and wow was i dumb lol. love the moody atmosphere and music that makes you feel like a 1940s detective. a really cool spin on the series


happy i finally came back to this and properly finished it. perfect example of what a roguelike should be. super fun with amazing art. somehow manages to make the interactions in the hub area as interesting as the actual runs. dusa is the best

i love fishing in games. it sucks that for whatever reason, there are very few games with interesting fishing mechanics. however, this is one of the few that nails it. really excels at making the fishing fun to do while also having a lot of cool things to collect. on top of that, it has a great art style, cool theme, and interesting story too. manages to not overstay its welcome and ends at the perfect length

this game is so sick. it improves upon the first game in so many ways. the controls feel so much better and just skating around and doing cool tricks is way smoother. i think the more open world setting and free-form gameplay works really well. music is incredible again and love the character designs in this one. jazz gotta be my favorite character

such a stylish and singular game. the controls feel a little clunky by today's standards but the rest of the game is incredibly timeless.

great game. it really shows why it was so influential to future fps games.

never really understood the half life 3 meme until finally playing this. how could the series possibly end like that? such a good game within the short amount of time that it takes

continues and builds upon the greatness of half life 2

amazing story and gameplay. a truly timeless game that still feels so fresh after all these years.

incredible. this game tries so many different things and absolutely nails all of them. every part of this is so much fun and full of charm

i've started this game so many times without finishing it. glad i finally got around to playing through the whole thing. really good mix of fun and stress. found myself constantly worried about the time even though i finished with more than enough days left.

the concept of this is genuinely really cool. but the game as a whole would probably be better off without the lame dialogue. its definitely the perfect length tho and doesn't overstay its welcome.