yeah this is pretty fun. not my favorite mario game but still a good one nonetheless. i enjoyed bowser's fury a lot, a full game of that style would be cool

game is literally just a straight rip of ark with pokemon instead of dinosaurs. luckily, i enjoyed ark and like pokemon so this worked for me. but like most survival games, this starts out extremely fun but loses most of its steam once you hit the end of mid/start of late game. this is especially apparent here if you've played ark before because you start to feel the fatigue of doing the exact same grind again. for being complete slop tho, it's pretty fun with friends.

very solid game. amazing atmosphere and setting following a great story. only complaints are how much atreus talks and that the combat feels a little overdesigned with the skills/armor upgrades for just spamming R1/R2 against the same enemies for the whole game. but even those issues are still enjoyable throughout the time played.

wow this game is sick. the story, the atmosphere, the lighting, the gameplay, there's so much to marvel at. and that's on top of a game that's already pushing the horror genre in a really cool direction. some of the scares in here actually got me good which doesn't usually happen with similar games. this truly feels like a modern game with just how much in here is impressive and boundary pushing. also, initiation 4 is one of the most entertaining sequences in any game i've ever played.

perfect, beautiful game. a game solely about exploration and your own curiosity. there are no goals, just searching for answers to questions you come up with yourself. where that leads you, who knows, but there is no wrong way to go. everything is right at your fingertips, even when you don't see it yet. it's so unique and singular in that aspect. the unconventional lack of boundaries and limits to what you can do is remarkably immersive. it's the type of game that won't leave your mind for months after finishing it.

the only good thing i got out of this game was a greater appreciation for the other fromsoft games and the fact that they didn't continue down this route. so much of this game just feels tedious, annoying, or straight up bad. the changes to stats, the enemy placements, the health/healing system, the bosses, the hitboxes, and so much more. the majority of boss fights are either terrible or nothing at all and much worse than the other games worst bosses. sir alonne isn't bad though, i'll give them that.

playing this game after some of the later fromsoft entries did this a bit of a disservice. the slow combat doesn't do much for me here and the bosses are mostly whatever. however, artorias feels incredibly fresh and almost like he doesn't belong in this game. but playing through this, it's clear as day why this was so influential to so many other games and why this was a monumental release at its time. the interconnectedness of the world is super impressive and makes it feel really special.

really fun and enjoyable game. the combat feels so fluid and the world is amazing. once you get going in some fights, it really does feel like an insane rhythm game. as for bosses, this is probably the most consistently good lineup compared to all the other fromsoft games. even the gimmick bosses here are enjoyable. my biggest gripe with this game though is it's lack of replayability and variety. there is 0 room for trying new builds and once you kinda understand how a fight works, it feels much more choreographed than the other games do.

good game, but i don't understand why this is considered one of the greatest games ever or why people think it's the best fromsoft game. to me, this was by far fromsoft's easiest souls-like game by a long shot. the bosses are my favorite part of their games, and i 1-shot over half of them and only one (laurence) took over 3-4 tries. i play all of these games with a fast, aggressive playstyle, and that being so heavily rewarded in this made it feel almost cheesy and unsatisfying. and that, alongside a lack of weapon variety/builds and grindy blood vials, led to this being slightly disappointing. but this is a lot of complaining for a good game with a really incredible atmosphere. i just think the general perception of this unfortunately led me to expect much more

beautiful game. the bosses, soundtrack, stories, world, characters, everything in this game is amazing. taking the souls-like formula and putting it into a massive open-world was an incredible idea and they really nailed it. i spent so much time just exploring and trying to find new dungeons/weapons and never once felt bored or overwhelmed. this is a landmark that people will look back at in awe of what they accomplished here.

man... i fucking love this game. this was my first fromsoft game and the only expectations i had going in were that it was going to be hard and have cool bosses. ds3 was exactly that and so much more. this is still my favorite souls-like after playing through every one by fromsoft. my favorite part of their games is the bosses and this one outclasses the others with some of their absolute best. nameless king, gael, sister friede, dancer, and the list can keep going. in all honesty, playing through this in 2021 reinvigorated my love for games after feeling pretty bored of them for a few years and i'm very thankful for that.

cool story and atmosphere, but that's all it really has for me. feels a lot more dated than some other games from around the same time. general gameplay is whatever and the combat tends to be more of an annoyance most of the time. but i do love convoluted stories, so you got me there

wow i had no expectations for this game and it blew me away. i was immediately pulled in by the atmosphere, the great soundtrack, and slow calculated combat. had a ton of fun just exploring the world and finding secrets. the boss fights kinda feel like a chore unless you spec into a crazy magic build but overall i was really impressed by this.

enjoyed this one more than the first game. very sweet and fun :)

extremely promising. for being early access, this game is a lot of fun. the groundwork is there for something really cool and i hope we'll see that come to fruition in the next year or two