One of my favorite Zelda games. Great sotry and characters. Motion controlls were greatly improved.

Could not get past the first "level" little boy was too annoying.

Played it once with a friend. We did like 3 missions.

I guess I knew what I was going into but I still didn't enjoy it that much.

Really superb game and one of the PS5s best exclusives. Excited to see what Housemarque does next.

I remember getting a code for this game but unfortunately it didn't hit me. Maybe it's too realistic for me and I prefer arcady skate games.

The only odd thing about this game is that I finished it. Hated having multiple endings and ending up with the worst one haha.

Fun walk down memory lane! Brin back THUG!

I understand the praise but I couldn't get into it for some reason.

I know this is basically a reboot but it still felt old. Did not finish it.

First Resident Evil I played since RE4 on the Wii. It's good but not great.