I bought this game on a sale and now realized it will probably hit PS+ this year. Oh well. It was a fun arcade skate game and I had never played any in the series. According to review, this is the best one.

I enjoyed the challenges but felt that mid World 4 (out of 5) the difficulty in completing all challenges just ramped up way too fast. Levels also got increasingly more complex.

There's plenty to do for those that like some challenges and want some trophies in their account. If you're not into these kind of games, maybe wait for a Sale/PS+/Game Pass.

I honeslty don't know why I bought this game before really checking out some reviews and impressions. I guess the sale was good enough for me. I understand the appeal and maybe I just suck at the game but I think that the controllers/movements aren't as tight as I expected them to be. I reached World 4 3 times before finally giving up. Maybe it is a "get good" situation but overall I didn't have too much fun with this.

This game saved my wife's and my mental sanity during the pandemic. It was a way to connect with our close friends and even though I didn't play much past 2020 it will always have a special place in my heart.

One of my all time favorites. Like the first one, I play it at least once every year. And every year I pick up on something new. A golden standard in story telling that also greaty improved on the gameplay and mechanics.

Map and backtracking are a mess but it's a fun game with good characters.

I really wanted to like this game but I thought it was just ok.

My favorite Paper Mario game (I have only played this one and Super Paper Mario on Wii). Fun mechanics and funny story.

This was very fun for a couple of months!

Loved the art style and overall gameplay here.

Great fitness game. Too bad I lack the discipline to follow through.

Fun little pandemic game to play with friends for a couple of rounds.