This is a fantastic game. Although I may have a few minor issues with the game, the main mechanics (battling, exploration, characters, art direction, etc.) are all very satisfying. I have to give a special shout out to the music and the story. The music is what convinced me to buy the game in the first place; it’s that good. As for the story, the game does a great job with making you really like the characters, as I felt emotionally invested in the story. There are some cheesy lines, typical jrpg tropes, and (some, definitely not all) obvious plot twists, but despite it all, the story is what has stuck with me the most after playing this game. I cannot recommend it enough.

This game is a classic for good reason. Each level is fun, and everything (art style, missions, music, speedrunning tech) is so iconic. My one gripe with this game is the controls are not super intuitive, which is fair for an old game, and requires learning speedrunning tech to feel more natural. Essentially, I’m outing myself at being bad at the game, but despite that, this game is so much fun.

This has been my favorite series since I was a little kid, and as the title implies, this is the ultimate edition of it. To this day, I love playing this game with friends or online, and the competitive scene is so sick. This is the game that, as an adult, I have probably put the most hours into.

This game surprised me. I don’t mind a farm game, but they’re definitely not my favorite. I think this game is secretly genre-bending, which is what makes it so enjoyable. I put more hours into this game than I expected, just because I was having fun exploring and learning new things, not to mention how fun it is to play with other people. I’ve done most things in the game, but it’s really fun to pull this game out once in awhile to revisit and continue the grind.

This is my favorite game of all time. I played this for the first time in 2019 and I knew immediately that this game was special. I could not stop playing it once I started. The combat and exploration was fun at the beginning, but once I got to an area in the game called the City of Tears (marking the end of the early game), I got chills and fell in love. The music is absolutely incredible. The art direction is amazing and adds a lot to the personality of the game. For as much as I liked the exploration and combat at the beginning of the game, it only gets better as you play. The story (though hidden) is so complex and interesting. This game is perfect in my eyes because every single part of it is perfect. I will refrain from saying much more because I love for people to explore and learn on their own in this game, but I can’t stop recommending this game to my friends. Play this game.

I love an open world game, and I love a Zelda game, so combining them is kind of a dream come true for me. I had so much fun running around, exploring and finding new things. Combat is fun, and the puzzles are nice and bite-sized with the scattered shrines and new abilities. The divine beasts are a little confusing at first, but a decent challenge once understood. The story is really cool too; although the characters are spread throughout the map and timeline, they make the experience feel worth it. The engine of this game makes it fun to come back to, and allows for so much creativity. What a fantastic game.

I think every Pokémon fan has dreamed of an open-world game in the series for a long time. Many fans were disappointed with Legends: Arceus, citing empty landscapes with little to do. My counterpoint: you get to catch lots of little guys. Yes, the game is kind of a catching simulator, but yes, I thoroughly enjoy that. It can get a tad stale for me, but I had SO much fun going through the game for the first time, and I still do when I boot it up every once in awhile.

People love this game, and for good reason. The worlds are fun to explore, but more importantly, exploring is really fun. Movement in this game is so sick. I think as a completionist, this game is both my best friend and worst nightmare, but it’s so enjoyable.


This game is phenomenal. This is my second favorite game of all time. I got hooked on the gameplay, and though it can be a little repetitive, the combat is fluid and crafting the perfect build is so dopamine-inducing. Of course, the characters are a huge draw to the game. As you progress in your skills, you have multiple stories interwoven but independent. It helps that the voice acting is so good that I don’t ever want to mash through dialog. It’s visually and musically engaging, it’s fun to play for one run or a long session… this game is amazing.

This was one of my favorite games as a kid. One of the best parts of this game is how progression works; in the average Kirby game, there are levels that make the game very linear, with little to explore. This game allows you to explore pretty large worlds, unlocking more as you go, which feels really satisfying. It’s still a Kirby game, so it’s relatively basic, but the exploration and some unique areas/power ups make it feel more variable. I also think the end sequence is pretty neat.

This is a cute game. It’s pretty short but it’s kind of neat in how it’s structured. I played with my wife and although Bowser Jr. has less depth to play compared to Mario, we both had fun. The Bowser sections of the game are cool when you first experience them, but they get a little tiresome after the first few times. I do think that the game has a lot of charm, and we enjoyed playing it.

This was my most anticipated game of 2021. I love the Metroid series, and this game feels like a return to the formula I love that Super Metroid created, but with updated graphics and abilities. Moving and shooting with Sami’s feels much more natural than in Super, especially with photon abilities. The exploration feels good, but I love that the game sort of guides you to the next destination, if you’re more interested in progressing the story. The E.M.M.I. sections genuinely feel tense and terrifying, since Sami’s is so powerless as she sneaks around them. This game feels like a culmination of the series and a return to form, and I will be replaying this game for years to come.