i am an absolute freak for this game

very sweet game the plot of which is a love letter to love itself. most amazing job system i have ever encountered in any game in my life. cute clothes, great character customization, and you can have multiple different houses at once to decorate as you please. so much fun to replay as well. REALLY recommend it

i think this is objectively one of the best games ever made

LITERALLY one of the best but most slept on titles on the 3ds it is so silly and so much fun and the soundtrack is great and the battles are great and the miis are great and the bosses are great ITS JUST GREAT

i miss tingle bottles every day of my life

one of the most underrated games in history

wonderful, touching, heartfelt story of hope against all odds that is relevant now more than ever

this is my LEAST favorite pokemon game and i consider it a mar on the franchise. it disgusts me how they tried to make lusamine a sympathetic character after abusing her children. also the story just sucks hate everything about this

so fun, huge world, tons of content, great story. honestly this ruined minecraft for me because this has like everything that i wish minecraft had

sobbing they dont make em like this anymore

my fav game in the mario kart series