The cell shading and overall art style is AMAZING for its time. A childhood classic for sure, recently revisited it and it's fun just like any old 3d paltformer collect-a-thon but it's filled with questionable design decisions, ike come on Taz is all about speed, yet they never miss a chance to slow you down with bombs and slippery floor and precise annoying platforming. Destroying things is quite satisfying tho.

If charm and personality was a game, this is it .It's literally a love letter to gaming. Satisfying controls, cute animations and you will get side quested every minute!

Pain and suffering but I did it and I hated every second of it.

Better than what I expected, short and sweet experience and quit challenging sometimes.

I wish I haven't played it, because it's actually good and now it's rotting in my brain.
I wish I haven't played the mods, because I have found one of the best experiences to ever exist (Hotline 024 + the trollege file) and now I crave for more quality yet all I find is just shit lmao.


Best soundtrack in the whole series. Not that big of a fan of the story but I do love the main characters ( the side characters/witnesses are just not memorable).

Platformer + builder/manger + amazing hand drawn art style + touching story = Completely hooked.

Don't get fooled by it's age and look. It's the most fun gameplay you can ever find + the pixel art is just so charming and cute.
bonus: it can ran on any toaster at a stable fps, so you can give it to your grandma to play on her windows xp or 95 lmao.

I hate this remaster so much, it just made the original art incredibly ugly, and just straight looks amateurish.
Please emulate the original games please.

Cuphead but more and just better in every way.

You will never get it until you find yourself at the credits and realize damn, it sure was a long journey that you actually STRUGGLED for.
A game where you're not the main character, and the gameplay actually reflects that. You're not the predator, you're the prey. And even when you master the game and finally be able to touch the top of the food chain, you will always be humbled back to the ground.
There's no power ups, the only thing you gain through your journey is knowledge.

One of the platformers of all time. The main theme pops up in my head everytime I think about it. GET OUT OF MY HEAD.

The only assassin's creed game I actually completed it was years ago but I do remember having a blast and finishing everything. So I trust my past self's opinion on this one. I have no idea if it aged well tho lmao.

My favorite ace attorney game, damn do I love these characters and the setting(Steampunk is still the least well explored genre ever, it's everywhere and nowhere at the same time) and I just straight up became a Sherlock Holmes nerd and read most of the books because of it.
Like the re-imagination of the character "Herlock Sholmes" might seem completely detached from the original but trust it really captures the character so much better than your regular "I am really smart and emotions mean nothing to me, look how smart I am" kinda shtick. They honestly nailed it.
And damn the build up to the final case and how everything fits together is phenomenal (even though there's some small potholes and your usual farfetched ace attorney logic) I still love it nonetheless.
Also don't get fooled by the really sloooow pacing of the first game, it gets so much better.

Feels really pale compared to the sequel, the combat sure was so much worse.
The art is still gorgeous tho.