specially designed to make you hate yourself more than you did before playing. and you'll still hate yourself more after. fucking excellent.

a straightforward dungeon crawl, icewind dale is as brutal as its winter-cold setting. the areas are surprisingly interesting to explore for a purely combat focused game. the narrative is also surprisingly well-written, but leaves little room for character reactivity and roleplay experience.

sensitive and volatile, disco elysium is bleeding and raw with detail - it actually hurts. how you experience the world through harry's head is ocean vast - in the vein of a true, evolved RPG. truthfully, what made disco elysium so painfully cathartic is that it loves humanity so much that it is able to successfully string into a personal set of conversations what humanity rejoices and what it mourns. in the end, to believe in something is not merely political, but human.

such a transcendent experience. only a few games dig deep into heavy philosophical questions such as mortality and human nature and still manage to emotionally cut into the player's heart. it's incredible how raw and self-reflective the game is, even in the fantastical world of planescape. it is truly a masterclass in RPG writing, and one of the best narratives i've had the chance of experiencing.

albion online set out to be a pvp-focused mmo, and it accomplishes this pretty well. the combat is surprisingly well-balanced around its different & numerous activities. however, it doesn't seem to be expansive enough to hold the attention of its playerbase, and the state of pve leaves a lot to be desired. still, it's very enjoyable with friends.

there is so much to love about the masterpiece that is bioshock. it has this incredibly engrossing atmosphere and art direction. the level design is so good and coalesces well with its environmental storytelling. it's incredible how rapture felt tangible - like it was a living, breathing being - despite the deserted rooms and hallways, you can feel its violence like a ghastly afterimage.

but what honestly blew my mind was how excellently structured the narrative was. you are immediately entrenched in the mystery, bit by bit the puzzle forms, and once all the pieces fell into place, i just sat there with awe. bioshock knew what it wanted to achieve, and it did so with finesse.

insanely addictive and therapeutic. stardew valley will grab you so tightly, you'll want to hop on the next bus ride to the countryside and live as a farmer yourself.

well-written narrative that surpassed expectations given its predecessors

quite similar to pearl/diamond but ever slightly better in terms of pacing

i enjoyed the dynamic environments and the overall premise. sinnoh contains the most interesting set of regional pokemon.

one of the better pokemon games with cool side content and great pacing

fun with friends, but not attention grabbing nor replayable enough.

the most essential zombie co-op shooter. really effective as a lite time waster with your friends.

ryze my beloved, what have they done to you

alpha protocol often falls into usual spy movie stereotypes that teeters the line between parody and sincerity, but it still manages to have a well-paced and sharp narrative. it's constantly evolving dialogue is something worth noting as well.