probably the weakest and most forgettable Mario Kart, but it's alright for what it is.

played this before but didn't realize how fun this was! super simple but beating this is quite a chore in the best way possible.

such a relaxing game that would take years to 100%... don't think i can last that long...

2nd play

it's a damn masterpiece with it's great controls and endless replayability with so much to explore on top of a really charming story? come on now.

??th Play

I love it oh so much.

super simple, but really fun with a nice challenging curve. definitely a must-play puzzle game on the GBA.

looks great and adorable, but it's such a mind-numb-er, which hey if that's what you want, it's a masterpiece!

silky smooth gameplay and an endless challenge. one of the best N64 games.

cute little game but where's the rest of the content?

2nd play
1st 100%

although brawl has the best story and melee has the best gameplay, it's the best all around smash game.

??th complete

easily completed in a day, and although the controls are complete jank these days; it holds a near play dear to my heart.

surprisingly kind of fun! even though i hate hang gliding, the other two modes are very fun and although there is not much content here; it's pretty fun to pick up and try.

really fun! perhaps one of if not the best racing game on the N64!

yo i'm sorry but this is kinda ass.